You Searched For: Stirrer Heads
197 results were found
Isolator cleaning tool: Mop hardware, replacement head and handle
Isolator cleaning tool: Mop hardware replacement head and handle NEW! Specially engineered to work with isolators and other small hard to reach areas Easy to manoeuvre lightweight handles offer one-handed operation Low profile swivel head allows y...
Masterflex® I/P® Series Peristaltic Pumps
Masterflex® I/P® Series Peristaltic Pumps Process pumping solutions Powerful pumps built to last in challenging process and production environments. Flow range: 0.0006 to 26 LPM Masterflex I/P Series peristaltic pumps have powerful motors and bett...
Precise and reproducible dosing for food laboratories
Precise and reproducible dosing for food laboratories BioTool’s DosiPump stainless smooth steel peristaltic pump for microbiology and food laboratories. Simple cleaning and access to all parts Sturdy full metal body allows direct stage bar fixatio...
Masterflex® L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data for Norprene/Pharmed and Tygon LFL
Masterflex® L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data for Norprene/Pharmed and Tygon LFL L/S® Precision Tubing Life Data L/S Performance Data for Norprene®/PharMed® and Tygon LFL® Tubing Formulations Masterflex® Precision Tubing Precision tubing (L/S® 13 L/...
Custom Engineered OEM Solutions and Design Capabilities from Masterflex
We Offer Custom Engineered Solutions! 50+ Years of Engineering Collaboration plus Industry-Leading Capabilities and Performance Learn about the process Our product range is defined by you. From sensitive volumes less than a teardrop to flow rates ...
Educational Material
Educational Material On this page we provide you with links to platforms guides brochures videos etc. of our partners. Ansell a Global Leader in Protection Solutions DWK Life Sciences - Safety in the Lab Safety Innovations & Expertise for Your Dai...
General Description of an Application
General Description of an Application Application Date: 21.10.2013 Page 1 of 5 Quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid with Iodine titrant Application Date: 21.10.2013 Page 2 of 5 Use This method is used to determine the content of ascorbic acid (V...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 03.04.2013 page 1 from 11 Determination of Acid number and free fatty acids (FFA) in fats and oils Application date: 03.04.2013 page 2 from 11 Use The method is suitable for edibl...
Liquid Chromatography - Sample Preparation
Liquid Chromatography - Sample Preparation Sample preparation is key but often overlooked step in the chromatography process. Every sample is unique and what works for one preparation may not work as well for another. That’s why Avantor offers a c...
Controlled Environments
Controlled Environments Whether you are working with hazardeous chemicals in microelectronics biological hazards in bio-processing or you are assembling medical devices that must be absolutely contamination free our range of personal protective e...
Masterflex Ismatec Peristaltic Pump Selection Guide
Masterflex Ismatec Peristaltic Pump Selection Guide Contents Why Select Masterflex Ismatec? Selecting a Masterflex Ismatec Pump Selecting Ismatec Pump Tubing Pump System and Drive Selection by Flow Range Why Select Masterflex Ismatec? Flow rates a...
Mounting and Loading Easy Load 3 Pump Head
Mounting and Loading Easy Load 3 Pump Head To view this video please enable JavaScript and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video
Masterflex L/S & I/P Drives with Advanced Networking & Communication
Masterflex L/S & I/P Drives with Advanced Networking & Communication More Pump Control Than Ever New features for select Masterflex L/S & I/P drives Ethernet/IP options Profibus options Bluetooth Cloud-based monitoring All units are equipped with ...
6 step method eyewear
3M™ Eye Protection 3M™ Eyewear Fit System As with all personal protective equipment comfort is very closely linked with compliance and improperly fitted eyewear may not be enough to prevent eye injuries so the quality and security of fit is extrem...
Multichannel Peristaltic Pump OEM Considerations
Multichannel Peristaltic Pump OEM Considerations Considerations When Using Multichannel Peristaltic Pumps for OEM Applications by John Batts – Senior Technical Specialist Masterflex In many industries peristaltic pump technology has proven to be i...
Masterflex product support
Masterflex product support Tools and compatibility Chemical Compatibility Database Masterflex provides a free easy to use Chemical Compatibility database for chemicals and materials. Common Converters General unit engineering fluids light and othe...
65 - 80 of 197