
VWR can provide you with reagents and apparatus to prepare, preserve and process tissues, cut and stain sections.
There are many different techniques for the preparation of tissues and many methods of examination. Most involve the preparation of sections that are examined by various types of microscopy, but no single method of examination and certainly no single staining technique, will display all the cells of the tissue equally well. It is possible to demonstrate morphology by dye staining, functional characteristics by histochemical, immunological or molecular methods and ultra-structure by electron microscopy, all from the same specimen. A feature of stained sections and tissue embedded in paraffin blocks is their permanence and most histology laboratories will preserve blocks and slide preparations for long periods of time.
For slides, coverslips, microscopes etc. see microscopy section.

Dissection Tools & Instruments
A selection from our extensive range of tools for dissection....

Tissue Processing Chemicals
Everything you need to process your tissue samples from collection to staining...

Tissue Processing Equipment & Consumables
Specialist equipment for all aspects of the preparation work flow from specimen to finished slide for examination...

Cellular elements often have different refractive indices, which can be utilised to permit partial identification by means of various forms of microscopy...