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You Searched For: Pipette Tips

173  results were found

Universal Fit Pipette Tips

Universal Fit Pipette Tips Thermo Scientific™ ART™ pipette tips provide a complete selection of barrier non-filtered and specialty tips. It has never been easier to find a tip to fit virtually any pipette or application in your laboratory. All del...

Manual Pipetting Systems

Manual Pipetting Systems Introducing the new Finnpipette F1 and F1-ClipTip pipettes The evolution of excellence in pipetting takes a huge step forward – thanks to your valuable feedback. Each suggestion turned into a key feature that makes your li...

Liquid Handling

Liquid Handling Liquid handling is carried out in every laboratory from basic up to research applications. VWR offers a complete range of solutions for every need of: Applications and budget Safety (i.e. biological chemical or radioactive samples)...

Electronic Pipetting Systems

Electronic Pipetting Systems Enhance productivity with comfort and user flexibility by making Thermo Scientific™ electronic pipetting systems a necessity in every lab. The proven performance of index-finger pipetting action electronic tip ejection...

Liquid Handling

Liquid Handling From handling glass pipettes to aliquoting microlitre amounts the VWR Collection offers a complete liquid handling solution for all schools and colleges. Click on the product that interests you below to enter our webshop. Product s...

Recycling solutions

Recycling solutions The Zero Waste Box™ from TerraCycle is a complete and convenient brand neutral solution which includes the storage shipping and recycling of a particular type of waste that isn’t currently recycled through local councils or tra...

Thermo Scientific Liquid Handling Solutions

Thermo Scientific Liquid Handling Solutions Revolutionize the way you pipette Introducing Thermo Scientific™ MyPipette™ app and E1-ClipTip™ Bluetooth pipettes My Pipette™ Creator is a web-based app that enables efficient centralized programming an...

Recycling solutions

Recycling solutions The Zero Waste Box™ from TerraCycle is a complete and convenient brand neutral solution which includes the storage shipping and recycling of a particular type of waste that isn’t currently recycled through local councils or tra...

Consumables and liquid handling

Consumables and liquid handling Avantor selected for you essentials consumables and liquid handling for any lab when you go back to work Autoclavable waste disposal bags Bottles and carboys Collect and protect your sample with the right sampling b...

Quick Search By Selector

Quick Search By Selector To help with your product search choose the VWR selectors. You can refine your search using specific criteria defined for each selector. The choice will be easier from a reduced list tailored exclusively to your need. You ...

Everyday use lab consumables

Everyday use lab consumables Our VWR Collection range was created for you as an easy choice of essential labware with a wide selection of quality products that keep your lab running efficiently and effectively. Our consumables including beakers te...

Product Selector Guides

Product Selector Guides Additives and supplements for microbiology Need an additive or supplement for your culture media in microbiology? Quickly find your product (egg yolk cycloserine OGY TTC etc.) using the VWR Selector ~~Additives and suppleme...

Automation Tips for Liquid Handling Systems

Automation Tips for Liquid Handling Systems With hundreds of Thermo Scientific™ automation tips designed to fit over 50 workstations and pipetting head variations we're certain you will find tips that increase efficiency through accurate and preci...

Life Science

Life Science Avantor® can help equip your life sciences lab with the products equipment and supplies you'll need whether you work in cell biology genomics proteomics or other fields. We carry millions of products from brands you trust so you can c...

Life Science

Life Science Avantor® can help equip your life sciences lab with the products equipment and supplies you'll need whether you work in cell biology genomics proteomics or other fields. We carry millions of products from brands you trust so you can c...

Life Science Research Solutions, Products & Resources

Life Science Avantor® can help equip your life sciences lab with the products equipment and supplies you'll need whether you work in cell biology genomics proteomics or other fields. We carry millions of products from brands you trust so you can c...
1 - 16 of 173