Human recombinant Annexin V (from E. coli), FITC (Fluorescein Isothiocyanate)


ALX209250T020 ALX209250T100 ALX209250T300
ENZOALX209250T020EA 153 GBP
ENZOALX209250T020 ENZOALX209250T100 ENZOALX209250T300
Human recombinant Annexin V (from E. coli), FITC (Fluorescein Isothiocyanate)
Proteins and Peptides

Produced in E. coli.

FITC-labelled recombinant human annexin V shows bright green fluorescence (Ex(max): 488 nm; Em(max): 530 nm).

Ordering information: Quantity: 20 tests/100 µl; 100 tests/500 µl; 300 tests/1500 µl.

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