You Searched For: Flow+Meters
320 results were found
pH measurements
pH measurements pH measurements using a pH meter can only be correct and precise when you are using the right buffer for your instrument. Depending on the instrument and your pH measurement range different buffer solutions and different temperatur...
Multichannel Peristaltic Pumps Advantages | Avantor
Multiple-Channel Peristaltic Pumps and Their Advantages Peristaltic pumps are invaluable to many industries from medicine and pharmaceuticals to environmental protection. Because a single drive mechanism can pump several fluid streams simultaneous...
Masterflex Peristaltic Pumps Deliver Pure Precise Control Of Liquid Flows Within Process Tools
Masterflex Peristaltic Pumps Deliver Pure Precise Control Of Liquid Flows Within Process Tools Gregg E. Johnson Sr. Global Product Manager Masterflex Bioprocessing USA. Semiconductor manufacturing demands liquid flows within process tools be preci...
Advantages of the Masterflex® Volumetric Filling System
Advantages of the Masterflex® Volumetric Filling System Ensure you are getting the right volumes in your dosing or metering applications with the Masterflex Volumetric Filling System. Combining the precision of ultrasonic technology and Masterflex...
Dew-point and humidity meters
Dew-point and humidity meters For certain specific applications in the pharmaceutical industry the calibration must be carried out every 3 months as measuring devices are subject to the validation process and even the smallest fluctuations can hav...
Decentralized Clinical Trials: An Overview
Decentralized Clinical Trials: An Overview Decentralized Clinical Trials are important as they can help patients participate in clinical trials from their homes or other locations. This is done using telemedicine and digital health technologies to...
Torque Conversion
Torque Conversion Convert units of Torque instantly. Choose from 17 different units including newton meter newton centimeter newton millimeter kilonewton meter dyne meter dyne centimeter dyne millimeter ... From: To: newton meter [N*m]newton centi...
Masterflex® Peristaltic Pump Systems | VWR
Masterflex® Peristaltic Pump Systems Choose the right pump for you Masterflex Pump Selector Masterflex Selection Guide Masterflex pumps are an industry-leader in the design engineering and manufacturing of peristaltic tubing and hose pumps diaphra...
delivery checklist en
1 / 4 Checklist Delivery Address (to be filled in by VWR ) Customer: Contact person name: (buyer orderer lab supervisor etc.) Consignee: Phone: Road Mobil: Zip/ Town E-Mail: Plant: Incoming goods Name: Building: Phone: VWR Order No. Mobil: VWR Pur...
Illumination Conversion
Illumination Conversion Convert units of Illumination instantly. Choose from 12 different units including lux meter-candle centimeter-candle foot-candle flame phot nox candela steradian/square meter lumen/square meter ... From: To: lux [lx]meter-c...
Concentration - Molar Conversion
Concentration - Molar Conversion Convert units of Concentration-Molar instantly. Choose from 12 different units including mol/cubic meter mol/liter mol/cubic centimeter mol/cubic millimeter kilomol/cubic meter kilomol/liter ... From: To: mol/cubic...
Electrochemistry Calibration
Electrochemistry Calibration Brand-independant calibration service for pH-meters & conductivity meters We provide a traceable calibration service for all brands and models of pH-meters and conductivity meters . These meters are calibrated by using...
Digital Intelligent Measurement for more Accuracy and Flexibility!
Digital Intelligent Measurement for more Accuracy and Flexibility! Initially pH measurement started with a reference electrode and a measuring cell. In time the combined electrode took over followed by the combined electrode with built-in temperat...
Viscosity - Dynamic Conversion
Viscosity - Dynamic Conversion Convert units of Viscosity-Dynamic instantly. Choose from 29 different units including pascal second kilogram-force second/square meter newton second/square meter millinewton second/square meter ... From: To: pascal ...
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS) - Secure the Future - WTW, a Xylem brand
Intelligent Digital Sensors (IDS) - Secure the Future - WTW a Xylem brand Intelligent: IDS sensors are smart. They log on automatically transfer description serial number calibration record and calibration history as well as their complete paramet...
Velocity Conversion
Velocity Conversion Convert units of Velocity instantly. Choose from 32 different units including meter/second meter/hour meter/minute kilometer/hour kilometer/minute kilometer/second centimeter/hour centimeter/minute ... From: To: meter/second [m...
17 - 32 of 320