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106 results were found
Calibration - Scope
Calibration - Scope Our compliance & metrology services offer a broad range of calibration services for laboratory and measuring equipment: The current scope is: Balances Thermometers Temperature recorders Refrigerators Freezers (CO2)Incubators Pi...
Electrochemistry Calibration
Electrochemistry Calibration Brand-independant calibration service for pH-meters & conductivity meters We provide a traceable calibration service for all brands and models of pH-meters and conductivity meters . These meters are calibrated by using...
Electrochemistry Products
Electrochemistry Products Avantor Electrochemistry Avantor has a comprehensive assortment of meters probes accessories and chemicals that analysts in your lab need to measure pH conductivity or perform titrations using electrochemical techniques. ...
pH measurements
pH measurements pH measurements using a pH meter can only be correct and precise when you are using the right buffer for your instrument. Depending on the instrument and your pH measurement range different buffer solutions and different temperatur...
Calibration, Qualification, Validation & Certification Services
Calibration Qualification Validation & Certification Services Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us In a laboratory environment we are often obligated to meet specific regulations and to comply with validati...
Electrochemistry for Laboratory, Field or Processes
Electrochemistry for Laboratory Field or Processes Offering everything you need for electrochemistry in one place from big name brands to our own great value VWR Collection! Find out new technologies! Explore more Bio process sterilisable pH and O...
Useful links
Useful links Some links to other parts of the VWR website that could be of interest to you! Chromatography Solutions Review our portfolio from instruments to consumables and high purity chemicals. Organic synthesis If you’re creating new molecules...
Dew-point and humidity meters
Dew-point and humidity meters For certain specific applications in the pharmaceutical industry the calibration must be carried out every 3 months as measuring devices are subject to the validation process and even the smallest fluctuations can hav...
Interesting links
Interesting links Click the following links for a more in depth view of these different applications Electrochemistry and pH basics - better results with better knowledge Achieve optimal weighing performance with tips and more information Driving ...
Monitoring of Production Areas
Monitoring of Production Areas In a production environment consistency is essential. To ensure that the storage and handling of products and raw materials are kept free from contamination or unacceptable changes in the environment this section cov...
Environmental Testing Solutions For Air, Water & Soil
Environmental Testing Solutions For Air Water & Soil Environmental protection is everyone’s business. The rapid growth in public awareness understanding and concern for environmental protection means authorities are constantly tightening regulatio...
Equipment & instruments Promotions
Equipment & instruments Promotions To see your promotional prices make sure you log in to your web shop account. Select your workflow area of interest or product type and apply respective filters offered on the left to narrow down the number of di...
Organic Synthesis
Organic Synthesis Literature Lab Safety Solutions Videos just for you If you’re creating new molecules in your pharmaceutical or chemical research or university laboratory VWR offers an extensive range of products to help you with your discoveries...
Torque Conversion
Torque Conversion Convert units of Torque instantly. Choose from 17 different units including newton meter newton centimeter newton millimeter kilonewton meter dyne meter dyne centimeter dyne millimeter ... From: To: newton meter [N*m]newton centi...
delivery checklist en
1 / 4 Checklist Delivery Address (to be filled in by VWR ) Customer: Contact person name: (buyer orderer lab supervisor etc.) Consignee: Phone: Road Mobil: Zip/ Town E-Mail: Plant: Incoming goods Name: Building: Phone: VWR Order No. Mobil: VWR Pur...
Quality Control
Quality Control A well performing QC laboratory ensures the integrity of a company's production process from raw material validation to finished product verification News Merck Millipore Emsure documentation Complete Monograph Methods MORE Metal t...
17 - 32 of 106