Logistics & Transport

Consolidation of Shipments to Reduce Transport

  • Our SAP logistics system is optimized to consolidate shipments to customer locations wherever possible

Reducing Frequency of Shipments to Customers Avoids Transport

  • In agreement with our customers we are proposing to change from 24h deliveries to 2-3 times a week
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Green-Box Concept

  • We are using so-called green-boxes that can be used instead of packaging materials
  • These boxes are returned to VWR International after delivery of the products
  • This service is not available in all countries
Click here to see what you can do to support our sustainability efforts

Using Crush Paper and "Loose Fill" Packing Instead of Chips

  • Our packing process has been changed to avoid the usage of packing chips
  • We get rolls of paper and have machines which crush the paper in sizes we need

VWR International Transport Fleet is Outsourced

  • We do not have an internal transport fleet
  • Using transport capacities of external partners avoids driving to customers with almost empty trucks

VWR International Travel Policy Avoids Travelling Whenever Possible

  • Using online conferences via "WebEx™" in combination with telephone conferences helped to drastically reduce the amount of travelling