Autoprotect by Kotterman

Autoprotect from Kottermann, for the active protection of laboratory personnel. The fumes hood's clever design and closes the sash automatically when the operator is leaving the working station.
AutoProtect provides active protection for everyone working with fume cupboards. AutoProtect closes the front sash automatically, reduces the potential danger for the user to an absolute minimum and complies optimally with the demands made by BG Chemie (German union for chemical workers).
Summary of characteristics and benefits:
- When no-one is working at the fume cupboard, AutoProtect automatically closes the front sash. Hazardous substances cannot escape into the air and employees are protected from explosions within the fume cupboard
- The optional infrared sensor stops the front sash, when objects protrude from the cupboard
- AutoProtect with integrated front sash stopper: the electronic non-impact limiter always opens the front sash at the correct height