Digestion, Distillation & Extraction

From automatic units to the components to make your own custom solutions, VWR offers you all you need.
Product selection

Rapid digestion for COD and TOC...

Digestion Units
Kjeldatherm block digestion units allow you to heat samples at exact temperatures...

The Vapodest product range is available in various levels of automation, from the semi-automatic to a fully automated unit...

Soxtherm extraction units are rapid systems by Gerhardt...

Extraction Thimbles
A range of extraction thimbles suitable for all type of extractors...

Heating Mantles
Extraction mantle heaters, with a choice of multiple recesses with or without stirring and capacities for flasks ranging from 100 ml to 1,000 ml...

VWR offers a range of high quality jointed glassware for distillation and digestion applications...

Stands, Clamps, etc.
VWR offer an extensive range of of constructional labware to support distillation and digestion glassware set-ups...

Vacuum Pumps
A range of pumps for all uses...

VWR offer an extensive range of tubing...

Fume Hoods
The fume cupboard plays a fundamental role in the overall safety of the lab...