Improve Your Sample Preparation

Effective Tissue Disruption & Cell Lysis

In most Life Science workflows, one of the first steps is to disrupt your sample with a tissue homogeniser before the extraction of molecules of interest.

Using highly sophisticated bead-beating technology the Precellys® and Minilys® bench top homogenisers offer great benefits!

  • Highest yields: Efficient lysis and minimal sample loss - cooling option to protect sensitive target molecules
  • Time saving: Homogenisation takes seconds not minutes - process up to 24 samples in parallel
  • Reproducibility: Programmable and storable settings - no user fatigue or variance between individual samples
  • Contamination-free: Closed tube approach - no contact between sample and environment
  • Widest application range: Flexible grinding parameters - huge choice of optimised lysing kits in different tube sizes

Discover numerous established Protocols

Precellys Evolution – SUPER homogeniser

Precellys Evolution in Spotlight

The Precellys® Evolution offers optimal robustness, safety, efficiency and flexibility. Especially designed for Bio-safety class L3 laboratories, the Precellys® Evolution is based on 10 years of sample preparation expertise.

Precellys in action!

Product Selection

Precellys® Evolution

The most advanced tissue homogeniser offering widest application range and highest throughput.  

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Cryolys® Evolution

Ensuring integrity of sensitive samples throughout homogenisation.

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The cost- and space-saving solution for low throughput laboratory workflows.

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Precellys® Kits

Tubes pre-filled with beads. Available in different volumes and bead sizes or blends to match any need.

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Extract & Purify

Also interested in solutions for nucleic acid purification? RNA, genomic DNA or plasmids from various sources? Clean-up of PCR or labelling reactions? Manual or automated sample processing?

Check out what VWR can offer you