Avantor Seradigm
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Cell culture experts everywhere are discovering how well their cells thrive on nutritionally superior sera from Avantor Seradigm. Seradigm’s unique collection and manufacturing techniques preserve more of the naturally-occurring growth factors in sera that cells require to thrive. Our proven track record for performance and consistency enables sera users to switch to a brand that yields more of the results they seek – no matter the application, scale, or budget.
Request Information / SamplesCells Choose Seradigm
The unique collection and manufacturing techniques used for our sera preserve more of the naturally-occurring growth factors that cells require to thrive. Our proven track record for performance and consistency enables sera users to switch to a brand that yields more of the results they seek – no matter the application, scale, or budget.
- Nutritionally Superior Sera
- Proven Performance & Consistency
- Supply Stability with industry-leading traceability and quality
- Unmatched Operational Support & Service
What scientists are saying about Seradigm products:
We have been using Seradigm FB Essence since late 2016 and have found it to be a viable alternative to Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). It is very cost effective and can be used to grow a variety of mammalian cancer cells, both suspension and adherent. They grow well, providing us with reproducible results - without affecting or changing the morphology of the cells. Additionally, the technical and customer service from Seradigm is excellent. I would recommend scientists to try Seradigm FB Essence – especially when grant money is very slim! – Eswar Shankar, Ph.D., Research Associate, Department of Urology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Product selection
Ultimate Grade FBS
Ultimate Grade FBS is the ultimate in product quality and viral safety, undergoing additional BVD virus testing using qPCR technology...
Premium Grade FBS
Premium Grade FBS is widely used by cell culturists requiring high quality, high performance FBS for a variety of applications...
FB Essence
FB Essence is a nutritionally rich, cost-effective alternative to Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) that offers pricing and supply stability without sacrificing performance...
Ultra Low IgG FBS
Ultra Low IgG FBS meets a specification of ≤ 5 μg/mL for applications where naturally occurring levels of IgG are too high...
Iron Supplemented Bovine Calf Serum (BCS)
Iron Supplemented BCS is an alternative to FBS that performs as well as FBS in many established cell lines and provides significant cost savings over FBS...
We proudly feature a fully certified supply chain for traceability by the International Serum Industry Association (ISIA). For additional information, visit www.serumindustry.org |
We have established a trusted partnership with Oritain for independent origin verification testing on select FBS products. For additional information visit www.oritain.com. |