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Catalog Number: (AGLS5188-6559)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: In order to more easily isolate and identify proteins in human serum, this column is designed to chromatographically remove fourteen interfering high-abundant proteins from human plasma samples.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (AGLS5188-5289)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The multiple affinity removal spin cartridge – Mouse 3 is designed as a simple way to remove three interfering high-abundant proteins from mouse plasma samples. Removal of these abundant proteins improves the subsequent LC/MS and electrophoretic analysis of the serum sample by effectively expanding the dynamic range of the analysis.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

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Supplier: AGILENT
Description: PfuUltra High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase AD features a reformulated buffer system for increased economy with the same high performance as the original PfuUltra DNA Polymerase for robust, ultra-high-fidelity PCR.

Catalog Number: (AGLS400763)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The StrataPrep plasmid preparation kits provide a rapid method for purifying plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (AGLS600284)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Easily integrates into PCR protocols optimized with Taq DNA polymerase, with little or no modification.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Paq5000 is capable of quickly and robustly amplifying up to 6 kB genomic DNA targets.

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Detects low copy number target and withstands PCR inhibitors without extensive purification.

Catalog Number: (AGLSG4880A)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The Agilent qPCR NGS Library quantification kit is a reliable method for quantifying NGS libraries.
UOM: 1 * 1 KIT

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: High performance, ultra-sensitive, probe QPCR master mix reagent with high or low ROX concentration for reliable quantification across a wide range of targets and templates.

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: PathDetect trans-reporting systems allow you to determine if the protein or compound of interest directly or indirectly activates one of six transcription factors: c-Jun, Elk1, CREB, c-Fos, ATF2 or CHOP.

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The ViraPort retroviral gene expression system is a comprehensive line of gene delivery products providing transduction efficiencies approaching 100% in a wide range of mitotic cells.

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The AAV Helper-Free System eliminates the requirement for wild-type adenovirus co-infection from both AAV vector production and AAV stock titering steps, making this system entirely helper virus-free and safer. This system works with a broad range of hosts and infects both dividing and non-dividing cells.

Catalog Number: (AGLS5188-8825)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The multiple affinity removal spin cartridge – Human Albumin/IgG is designed to remove two interfering high-abundant proteins from human samples (such as plasma, serum, urine or cerebrospinal fluid).
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (AGLS600037)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The universal reverse primer serves as the downstream primer in the qPCR reaction by annealing to a universal sequence tag that is added to the cDNA during the reverse transcription protocol.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The affinity removal spin cartridge reagent kit is designed to remove the most interfering high-abundant protein (albumin) from human samples (such as plasma, serum, urine or cerebrospinal fluid).

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: XL10-Gold ultracompetent cells transform large plasmids and ligated DNA with highest efficiency.

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