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Catalog Number: (AGLS240101)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The InterPlay Mammalian TAP system allows you to recover interacting proteins from mammalian cells.
UOM: 1 * 60 µG

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The original QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kits speed up and simplify site-directed mutagenesis studies. The kits eliminate the need for sub-cloning into M13-based bacteriophage vectors and for ss-DNA rescue. This allows oligo-mediated introduction of site-specific mutations into virtually any double-stranded plasmid DNA. In addition, the XL version of the kit is specially designed for efficient mutagenesis of large (4 to 14 kb) or otherwise difficult-to mutagenise plasmid templates. The XL kit features components specifically designed for more efficient DNA replication and bacterial transformation.

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Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Luminescent peel-off stickers are used for accurately marking and aligning autoradiographs.

Catalog Number: (AGLS5188-8826)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: The multiple affinity removal LC column – human albumin/IgG is designed to chromatographically remove the two most interfering high-abundant proteins (albumin and IgG) from human samples (such as plasma, serum, urine or cerebrospinal fluid).
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (AGLS5185-6000)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: RNA isolation kits provide a straightforward, spin-column method to deliver RNA for use in gene expression and other downstream analysis.
UOM: 1 * 1 kt

Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Brilliant III QPCR and QRT-PCR master mixes increase overall sensitivity and speed through the novel, quick-activating hot start and the engineered Taq-mutant.

Catalog Number: (AGLS600191)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: <i>Pfu</i> DNA ligase is a recombinant enzyme derived from <i>Pyrococcus furiosus</i> hyperthermophilic marine archaebacterium that catalyses linkage of adjacent 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxy ends of double-stranded DNA at 45 to 80 °C, with a temperature optimum near 70 °C for nick-sealing reactions.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Catalog Number: (AGLS5191-8121)
Supplier: AGILENT
UOM: 1 * 100 items

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Catalog Number: (AGLSH5949A)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Supplemental Installation One Hour Labor for Chemical Analysis products 1 * 1 items
UOM: 1 * 1 items

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Catalog Number: (AGLSDNF-371-0003)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: HS Small Fragment Diluent Marker, 2.4 mL. 1 bp lower marker 1,500 bp upper marker. For use with the Fragment Analyzer systems and t he DNF-477 kit. 1 * 2,4 mL
UOM: 1 * 2,4 mL

Catalog Number: (AGLSDNF-399-U100)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: NGS DNA Ladder, 100 µL. 100-3,000 bp DNA Ladder for use with the Fragment Analyzer systems and the DNF-473 kit. 1 * 100 µG
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

Catalog Number: (AGLSDNF-370-0004)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: HS RNA Diluent Marker (15 nt), 4 mL. 15 nt lower marker. For use with the Fragment Analyzer systems and the DNF-472 kit. 1 * 4 mL
UOM: 1 * 4 mL

Catalog Number: (AGLSDNF-396-U100)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: HS NGS DNA Ladder, 100uL. 100-3,000 bp DNA Ladder for use with the Fragment Analyzer systems and the DNF-474 kit 1 * 100 µG
UOM: 1 * 100 µG

Catalog Number: (AGLSDNF-270-0500)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Genomic DNA Separation Gel, 500mL. For use with the Fragment Analyzer systems and the DNF-467, DNF-468, and DNF-488 kits 1 * 500 mL
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

Catalog Number: (AGLSDNF-306-0005)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: BF-P25 Blank Solution, 5mL. For wells in which sample is not present necessary for correct capillary alignment. For use with the Fe mto Pulse system and the FP-1002, FP-1003, FP-1101, and FP-1201 kits. 1 * 5 mL
UOM: 1 * 5 mL

Catalog Number: (AGLSDNF-270-0240)
Supplier: AGILENT
Description: Genomic DNA Separation Gel, 240mL. For use with the Fragment Analyzer systems and the DNF-467, DNF-468, and DNF-488 kits 1 * 240 mL
UOM: 1 * 240 mL

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