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Catalog Number: (BINH1001298)
Supplier: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Description: The KNM-ER 406, Omo L. 7a-125 skull model is the finest casting produced from scientifically made copies of specimens. This unique KNM-ER 406, Omo L. 7a-125 replica is supplemented by having it displayed on a pedestal that contains a relief map of the geographical area where the skull specimen was found. This KNM-ER 406, Omo L. 7a-125 skull model is a high-quality casting of a reconstruction of the Kalvarium skull (KMN-ER 406) with a partial mandible (Omo L. 7a-125). The Kalvarium skull is approximately 1,7 million years old and was discovered at Lake Rudolph (now called Lake Turkana) in 1970. The partial mandible comes from a different dig but is clearly from the same species. The classification of the species that this skull comes from has not yet been indisputably clarified. Discussions continue as to whether the anatomical features of this skull specimen points to classification as an Australopithecus boisei or a Paranthropus boisei. Example of a pre-human hominid. Discovered at: Lake Turkana, formerly Lake Rudolph Discovery: 1970 Age: about 1,7 million years This KNM-ER 406, Omo L. 7a-125 skull replica is a great tool for teaching and learning the anatomy of early huminid species.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

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Supplier: Binhold, Paul Lehrmittel
Description: Sinanthropus-människan (A) Homo erectus pekinensis. Fyndplats Peking. Ålder 400.000 år. - Neandertalaren (B) Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Fyndplats södra Frankrike. Ålder 35-40.000 år. - Cro Magnon-människan (C) Homo sapiens sapiens. Fyndplats södra Frankrike. Ålder 20-30.000 år. - Steinheim-människan (D) Homo sapiens praesapiens. Fyndplats Steinheim utanför Stuttgart. Ålder 20.000 år. - Broken Hill-människan (E) Homo erectus rhodesiensis. Fyndplats Rhodesia. Ålder 40.000 år.

Sturdy, high quality, stainless steel FoodScoops

Very stable hand scoop, particularly suited for the food industry. Seamless connection of scoop and hollow handle, therefore without crevices and edges.

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Smooth, highly polished surface

Supplier: Merck
Description: Mains charger, for all MAS-100 NT® models with serial number 112829 and higher

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Accessory for microscopes, VWR® VisiScope®, Darkfield condenser, 95 mm diameter (for models SZBL360, SZTL360, SZBL360-Plus, SZTL360-Plus)

Catalog Number: (630-2011)
Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Accessory, VWR® VisiScope®, Rotating table for polarising set (for models with 150×139 mm rackless stage)
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Standard ammonia column, for L-8800PH and L-8800PF models

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: C-mount adapter (biological and stereomicroscopes), 1× focusable (for models SZTL360, SZT360 OH, SZTL360-Plus, SZT360)

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Ultrasonic bath accessory, VWR®, Rubber bands for 650 ml beaker, For: All models

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: WF25×/9 eyepieces (pair), focusable and high eyepoint (for models SZBL360, SZTL360, SZB360 OH, SZT360 OH, SZBL360-Plus, SZTL360-Plus, SZB360, SZT360), VisiScope®, For: SZT360-6

Catalog Number: (MFLX74012-22)
Supplier: Avantor Fluid Handling
Description: Optimize performance of your Micropump® benchtop analog gear pump.
UOM: 1 * 1 items

CE Compliant

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Lid seal for VAPOUR-Line 135 model, For: VAPOUR-Line 135/135M

Catalog Number: (TUTTBSK385-0002)
Description: Baskets for autoclaves, For: ML/EL/ELC models
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Multi-sectored samplers for sampling powders, pellets and friable materials, which may become non homogeneous in bags at various levels. The models with separate sections are mainly used for chemical or physical analysis; models with communicating sections are used for microbiological analysis.


Catalog Number: (DUEH70-90040-115)
Description: Storage cabinet accessories, Shelf, side, U shaped, For: All models
UOM: 1 * 1 items

Description: Automatic water filling and drain, For: EL-D/ELC-G-D models

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Choice of aggregates for a wide range of laboratory applications from 5 ml up to 20 L. The VWR® Aggregates solve the standard problems that are faced every day in the laboratory.

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