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Catalog Number: (1.31200.0001)
Supplier: Merck
Description: The HY-RiSE® kit contains a colour hygiene test strip for manual assessment of the general cleanliness of surfaces, especially in the food and beverage industry. Detects food residues and microorganisms, so-called invisible dirt, which can be hazardous to health. The principle for testing is based on detection of NAD/NADH.
UOM: 1 * 50 items


Supplier: Sartorius
Description: Cellulose nitrate hydrophilic, gridded membrane filters for colony counting, particle testing and microscopy, with outstanding recovery rates for microorganisms.

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Description: EnteroPluri Test is a 12-sector system containing special culture media that permits identification of the<i> Enterobacteriaceae</i> and other gram negative, oxidase negative bacteria. The system allows the simultaneous inoculation of all media present in the sectors and the execution of 15 biochemical reactions. Microorganism is identified evaluating the colour change of the different culture media after 18 to 24 hours of incubation at 36 ±1 °C and by a code number obtained from biochemical reaction interpretation. Oxidase, Kovacs Reagent Indol (e.g. 1.00181.0002, 1.09293.0100, 1.11350.0001) and Codebook are not included.
Supplier: Merck
Description: Microorganism Tests, Steritest ez device double

Catalog Number: (LIOF499060)
Description: TRYPTIC SOY BROTH - BAG is ready to use liquid medium in bag that supports the growth of a wide variety of microorganisms, especially common aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria and fungi, formulated in accordance with ISO 10560:1993. The addition of agar in a concentration 0,1 to 0,2% makes the medium suitable for the growth of obligate anaerobes. The medium is recommended by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the European Pharmacopeia (EP) for counting total anaerobic microorganisms in pharmaceutical products and to test the absence of fungal contamination in pharmaceutical products at 20 to 25 °C.
UOM: 1 * 3 items

Catalog Number: (HACH2831409)
Supplier: Hach
Description: BART biodetectors are excellent diagnostic tools to help identify the presence and activity of various bacteria.
UOM: 1 * 9 items

Catalog Number: (DIMASRB)
Supplier: DIMANCO
Description: Dipslide test for sulphate-reducing bacteria.
UOM: 1 * 10 items

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Description: Viabank™ bacterial storage beads for long term storage of microorganisms at low temperatures.

Supplier: Sartorius
Description: Hydrophobic cellulose nitrate and cellulose acetate gridded membrane filters for colony count and sterility testing, with outstanding retention rates for microorganisms.

Supplier: DELTALAB
Description: CryoInstant is a preservation system for storing microbiological culture consisting on 2 ml cryovials containing 25 porous beads and cryopreservative-added broth.

Catalog Number: (1.04141.0001)
Supplier: Merck
Description: EHEC is capable of inducing life threatening illnesses, particularly in people with immune deficiency, young children and the elderly. Although the most common cause of EHEC is <i>E. coli</i> O157, other serotypes, such as O26, O45, O103, O111, O121 and O145, are also relatively frequent causes of infection. Typical symptoms are severe abdominal pain and diarrhoea, which is initially watery but often becomes bloody. <i>E. coli</i> are gram-negative, non sporulating, facultative anaerobic bacilli. Amongst the pathogenic <i>E. coli</i>, Verotoxin-forming strains (STEC or VTEC) have gained importance in recent years. The group of enterohaemorrhagic <i>E. coli</i> (EHEC) with its highly pathogenic serovar O157:H7 strain is particularly interesting in this respect. The main sources of infection are contaminated, raw or insufficiently heated foods of animal origin, such as meat and dairy products. The reservoir for EHEC is the gut of ruminants. Microorganisms can enter food during the processing of meat and dairy products if hygienic conditions are inadequate. The drastic increase in the incidence of food contamination caused by <i>E. coli</i> O157 demands reliable and rapid methods of detection. Innovative, rapid tests make screening for pathogenic organisms easier. Complete test sets for the detection of pathogens and toxins. The one-step format reduces the possibility of errors during handling. In addition to tests for the most common cause of infection, <i>E. coli</i> O157, there exits a 24-H screening protocol for VTEC, including <i>E. coli</i> O104:H4, based on Rapidcult™ <i>E. coli</i> enrichment combined with detection using Duopath® Verotoxins.
UOM: 1 * 25 Tests


Catalog Number: (PROBPL170M)
Description: Microorganism Tests, Microbank, 80 vials including 1 storage
UOM: 1 * 80 items

Market Source Item This is a MarketSource item. Additional charges may apply

Catalog Number: (HACH2432527)
Supplier: Hach
Description: The SLYM-BARTs can be used as a P/A test capable of indicating to some extent the possible population size and the types of slime-forming organisms present in the water sample. Slime-forming bacteria are able to produce copious amounts of slime without necessarily having to use any iron. Iron bacteria also produce slime, but usually it is thinner and involves the accumulation of various forms of iron. BART biodetectors are excellent diagnostic tools to help identify the presence of process disruptors, such as bacteria creating slime layers and limiting disinfection.
UOM: 1 * 27 items

Supplier: VWR Chemicals
Description: Dip slides for microbiological monitoring of surfaces and in liquids. Each slide has media on both sides, with a choice of the same medium, or two different media on the two sides of the slide. This allows sampling of two surfaces with every slide. Testing with dip slides is a safe, reliable, economical and fast indicator of the presence of microorganisms. Dip slides, with a push cap, have a larger contact area.
Supplier: HYSERVE
Description: Easy Plate are ready-to-use culture media prepared in an easy-to-use, stackable film plate format that saves space, reduces waste, eliminates preparation time and labor, and streamlines your test procedures.

Supplier: Greiner Bio-One
Description: PS, crystal clear. Contact dishes are used in hygiene monitoring including detection of microorganisms and testing the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection on flat surfaces by means of contact cultures. Particularly in the pharmaceutical and food industries, analysis of germ count and germ species on surfaces is of major importance to detect and identify possible sources of contamination.
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