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Catalog Number: (HT501850-200L)
Description: Formalin solution, neutral buffered, 10% may be used as a reagent for the primary fixation of tissues for diagnostic applications of an immunoperoxidase method in hematopathology.
UOM: 1 * 200 L

Description: 10% Neutral buffered formalin (NBF) is the most commonly used fixative for light microscopy. 10% NBF is well suited for large throughput laboratories and requires a relatively short period of fixation, but can also be used for the long-term storage of tissue. formalin fixation is thought to form between the aldehydes and the proteins, creating a gel, thus retaining cellular constituents in their in vivo relationship.

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Catalog Number: (HT501128-4L)
Description: (= 10% Formaline solution)
UOM: 1 * 4 L


Catalog Number: (HT5011-1CS)
Description: Formaldehyde is both a non-coagulant and an additive fixative. Formaldehyde is known to penetrate tissue quickly, but the fixation process may take a long time to form the various cross links with tissue proteins. Formalin fixation is thought to form cross links between the aldehydes and the proteins, creating a gel, thus retaining cellular constituents in their <i>in vivo</i> relationship. Once properly fixed, the tissue should be able to withstand the subsequent stages of tissue processing or staining. Although there is no true universal fixative, 10% neutral buffered Formalin (NBF) is perhaps the most commonly used fixative throughout the world for light microscopy and is a somewhat forgiving fixative. Of the dozens and dozens of available fixatives, it is hard to imagine a fixative more commonly used than 10% NBF. 10% neutral buffered Formalin is well suited for large throughput laboratories, and requires a relatively short period of fixation, but can also be used for the long-term storage of tissue.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Supplier: VWR Chemicals
Description: Formalin ready to use fixative for tissue samples. Pots and buckets can be used for storage.
Catalog Number: (HT501640-19L)
Description: Formalin solution, neutral buffered, 10% is the most commonly used fixative for light microscopy. It requires a relatively short period of fixation. It is suitable for the long-term storage of tissue. Once properly fixed, the tissue should be able to withstand the subsequent stages of tissue processing or staining. 10% NBF is well suited for large throughput laboratories, and requires a relatively short period of fixation, but can also be used for the long-term storage of tissue. Formalin fixation is thought to form between the aldehydes and the proteins, creating a gel, thus retaining cellular constituents in their <i>in vivo</i> relationship.
UOM: 1 * 19 L

Catalog Number: (HT5012-1CS)
Description: Formalin solution (10%, neutral buffered) is a widely used fixative for samples processed for light microscopy. It requires a relatively short period of fixation. It is suitable for the long-term storage of tissue. Once properly fixed, the tissue should be able to withstand the subsequent stages of tissue processing or staining.
UOM: 1 * 1 Each

Catalog Number: (HT501320-9.5L)
Description: Formalin solution, neutral buffered, 10% is the most commonly used fixative for light microscopy. It requires a relatively short period of fixation. It is suitable for the long-term storage of tissue. Once properly fixed, the tissue should be able to withstand the subsequent stages of tissue processing or staining.
UOM: 1 * 9,5 L

Catalog Number: (7385.9020)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Formalin solution 10%, BAKER, neutralised, J.T.Baker®
UOM: 1 * 20 L

Supplier: VWR Collection
Description: Formalin 10% stabilised, TECHNICAL, buffered (pH 7.0 ± 0.2)
Supplier: VWR Chemicals
Description: Formalin pink ready to use fixative for tissue samples. Pots can be used for storage and transport.
Contains traces of pink dye to help see section.
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Formalin 10% (v/v), Histology grade, neutralised (pH 7.0 ± 0.2), J.T.Baker®
Catalog Number: (351638K)
Supplier: VWR Chemicals
Description: Formalin neutral sodium salt, Gurr™ histological fixative, buffered pH 7.0 (25 °C)
UOM: 1 * 25 L

Supplier: Merck
Description: (= 10% Formaline solution)

Catalog Number: (3934.5000)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Formalin (dissolved formaldehyde) is used in histopathology laboratories.
UOM: 1 * 5 kg

Catalog Number: (5167.1000)
Supplier: VWR Chemicals
Description: Formaldehyde 10% in aqueous solution stabilised
UOM: 1 * 1 L

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