TriLink® T7 RNA Polymerase
Supplier: TriLink BioTechnologies
T7 RNA Polymerase is a wild-type enzyme to synthesize RNA from DNA templates by in vitro transcription.
Wild-type RNA polymerase to transcribe RNA from DNA templates with T7 promoter
Ideal for synthesis of mRNAs and saRNAs by in vitro transcription (IVT)
Tested for co-transcriptional capping with CleanCap cap analog and modified and unmodified rNTPs
Grade: Molecular biology
Wild-type bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase is a highly processive, 100 kDa, DNA-dependent RNA polymerase that catalyzes the in vitro transcription (IVT) of a recombinant gene regulated by the T7 promoter. It is a key enzyme used to synthesize mRNA (messenger RNA) from a DNA template. It is highly efficient and specific, capable of transcribing large quantities of RNA in a relatively short time frame. Its high robustness and reproducibility makes it the standard industry choice for mRNA synthesis as well as other applications such as saRNA synthesis, radiolabeled RNA probe preparation, and RNA construct development for additional studies.
The 100 and 840 µg pack sizes contain approximately 50000 units and 420000 units of enzymes, respectively. One unit of enzyme incorporates 1 nmol of ATP in 1 hour at 37 °C.
Caution: Item will be delivered at or below –15 to –25 °C and should be stored at or below –15 to –25 °C.
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