Maxima™ First strand cDNA synthesis kit

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific

K1641 K1642
K1641EA 462 GBP
K1641 K1642
Maxima™ First strand cDNA synthesis kit
Nucleic Acid Reagents RT-PCR and cDNA Reagents

The Maxima™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit is a convenient system optimised for use as a first step in two step RT-qPCR. The kit includes the Maxima™ Reverse Transcriptase, which is an advanced enzyme derived by in vitro evolution of M-MuLV RT for RT-qPCR application. The enzyme features high thermostability, robustness and increased synthesis rates in RT-qPCR.

  • Increased reaction temperatures – up to 60 °C
  • Premixed components for convenient use in RT-qPCR
  • Increased synthesis rate – complete cDNA synthesis in 15 minutes
  • High sensitivity and specificity

The Maxima™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit is capable of cDNA synthesis at elevated temperatures (50 to 60 °C) and completion of the reverse transcription reaction in 15 minutes. In addition, the kit offers highly convenient composition, where Maxima™ Reverse Transcriptase and RiboLock™ RNase Inhibitor are premixed, while all other reaction components: reaction buffer, dNTPs and primers (random hexamers and Oligo(dT)₁₈) are premixed in another tube as a 5X reaction mix.

Delivery information: Kit includes Maxima™ enzyme mix, 5X reaction mix, nuclease-free water, and detailed protocol.

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