Homogeniser plates, E-Z 96®, and spin columns, E.Z.N.A.®

HCR003 HCR000 HCR9601-02
HCR003EA 217 GBP
HCR003 HCR000 HCR9601-02
Homogeniser plates, E-Z 96®, and spin columns, E.Z.N.A.®
Microplates Filter Plates
For simple and rapid homogenisation of cell and tissue lysates.

The E-Z 96® homogeniser plates and E.Z.N.A.® spin columns provide a simple and reliable method to reduce sample viscosity often caused by high molecular weight cellular components and cell debris during DNA/RNA isolation. Traditional methods use syringes and needles, which can be tedious, inconvenient, and hazardous to handle. The E-Z 96® homogeniser plates and E.Z.N.A.® spin columns consist of a unique biopolymer-shredding membrane in spin column or 96-well format. In general, similar yields and RNA quality are obtained as with rotor-stator homogenisation.
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