Lugol's iodine solution, Sigma-Aldrich®


M-Clarity™ quality level = MQ200

32922-250ML 32922-1L
32922-250MLEA 52.4 GBP
32922-250ML 32922-1L
Lugol's iodine solution, Sigma-Aldrich®
Lugol's iodine solution

Lugol′s solution is a ready-to-use solution that comprises 6% iodine in 4% potassium iodide. It is commonly used as a mordant for Gram staining in bacteriology. It is used for staining bacterial target structures for diagnostic purposes by fixing, staining, counterstaining, and mounting bacteriological specimen materials.

  • Lugol′s solution is generally used as a mordant in Gram staining, and for fixing invertebrate blood cells and protozoa
  • It is suitable for the detection of starch in plants
  • It has been used in a study to assess narrow-band imaging without image magnification for detecting high-grade dysplasia and intramucosal esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
  • It has been used in a study to determine its benefit in aiding the detection, presence, and spread of small squamous cell carcinomas of the esophagus

Iodine diffuses rapidly through hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains of tissues and loosely binds to proteins, staining them brown. It reacts irreversibly with unsaturated lipid linkages and with tyrosine and histidine aromatic rings.

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Specification Test Results

Appearance (colour) Report result
Appearance (form) Report result
Argentometr. titration Assay potassium iodide (KI)
Redox titration Assay iodine (i)
Redox titration (method) Titration with sodium thiosulfate
Density d20/4 Report result
Recommended retest period 42 months

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