HyClone™ Fetal Bovine Serum Characterized (Australia), HyClone Products (Cytiva)

Supplier: HyClone products (Cytiva)
SH30084.03IR25 SH30084.03IR30
SH30084.03IR25EA 1340 GBP
SH30084.03IR25 SH30084.03IR30
HyClone™ Fetal Bovine Serum Characterized (Australia), HyClone Products (Cytiva)
Sera (Serum)
This premium HyCloneTM Fetal Bovine Australian-origin Serum is well-characterized, triple 100 nm filtered, virus-tested to 9 CFR standard, and traceability-certified (ISIA, Oritain).

  • Benefit from Australian husbandry methods and certified traceability
  • Assayed for a variety of critical components and biochemical characteristics
  • Certificate of analysis confirms ≤25 EU/ml endotoxin
  • Serial 100 nm pore size-rated filtering for reliable microbial depletion
  • Gamma rradiated and heat-inactivated FBS options also available
  • Broad virus panel testing in accordance with 9 CFR 113.53

HyClone Characterised FBS is an excellent alternative to more expensive defined sera, and meets the requirements of most discriminating FBS users. The final serum is assayed for important proteins, hormones, growth factors, metabolites, and nutrients that support healthy cell cultures. Assay results are included in the certificate of analysis and biochemical assay list. Additional testing, including EMEA-conforming testing, is also available.

HyClone Characterised FBS is triple-filtered through serial 100 nm (0,10 μm) pore size-rated filters, which has become an industry standard for cell culture grade FBS. Before dispensing, each lot of serum is pooled using true pool technology to minimise variability from bottle to bottle.
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