Sepharose Chromatography Resins, Strep-Tactin® XT

Supplier: Cytiva

29-4013-24 29-4013-26
29-4013-24EA 975 GBP
29-4013-24 29-4013-26
Sepharose Chromatography Resins, Strep-Tactin® XT
Protein Purification Protein Purification Resins

A chromatography resin for purification of recombinant proteins tagged with Strep-tag II and Twin-Strep-tag. These proteins bind very specifically to the immobilised Strep-Tactin XT ligand giving highly pure target protein.

  • Highly pure Strep-tag II and Twin-Strep-tag recombinant proteins
  • Fast purifications with simple elution
  • Physiological conditions and mild elution preserve target protein activity
  • Fast and easy regeneration
  • Compatible with a wide range of detergents, denaturants, and other additives

Strep-Tactin XT Sepharose contains the latest Strep-Tactin ligand, XT, which provides higher affinity, resulting in higher yields and lower loss of valuable target protein than with the predecessor product, StrepTactin sepharose high performance (HP). Strep-Tactin XT Sepharose also enables purification under denaturing conditions.

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