DEA plates, Bond Elut

Supplier: VARIAN
7541702C 7541701C
VARI7541702CEA 733 GBP
VARI7541702C VARI7541701C
DEA plates, Bond Elut
Microplates Solid Phase Extraction Plates (SPE)
Bond Elut DEA (diethylaminopropyl) can be used as both a weak anion exchange sorbent with aqueous samples or as a polar sorbent with nonpolar organic matrixes.

  • Weak anion exchanger
  • More polar than C8 but less polar than C2 or CN
  • Alkyl side chains confer moderately nonpolar characteristics

Bond Elut DEA bears some resemblance to Bond Elut NH₂ in its properties, but with a slightly lower capacity as an anion-exchange sorbent. DEA has a moderately nonpolar character due to the alkyl side chains on the amino functionality. These groups still afford aMore Product Information
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