AccuStart™ master mixes, long range SuperMix

Supplier: Quantabio

95199-025 95199-100
732-3647EA 100 GBP
732-3647 732-3648
AccuStart™ master mixes, long range SuperMix
Nucleic Acid Reagents End-point PCR Enzymes and Kits

Superior sensitivity and multiplexing for DNA amplification of long targets.

  • Amplify +24 kb gDNA and +40 kb lambda DNA
  • 4X concentration enables superior sensitivity with low inputs (100 pg)
  • Multiplex up to 6 targets with each target up to 6 kb in length
  • Stabilised, single-tube SuperMix minimises pipetting errors and hands-on-time
  • Reliable lot-to-lot reproducibility ensures consistent results
  • Manufactured in state of the art ISO 13485 facility
  • Store at −25 to −15 °C

The AccuStart long range SuperMix is a 4X, ready-to-use solution that contains all the components for long-range target amplifications, including a blend of two hot-start thermostable DNA polymerases (one with strong proof-reading activity) and an optimized buffer to ensure high efficiency, sensitivity and specificity for amplification of long-range targets.

This mix enables routine and easy amplification of up to 24 kb targets from human genomic DNA with high accuracy (>10-fold better fidelity than Taq) and accommodates targets with broad GC-content (no separate GC buffer needed). Fast cycling conditions (≥2 kb/min) can be implemented for extremely long targets. This product is also capable of amplifying multiple targets can multiplex 6 targets up to 6 kb each.

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