Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV Kit


M3292-00 M3292-01
M3292-00EA 557 GBP
M3292-00 M3292-01
Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV Kit
Nucleic Acid Reagents Nucleic Acid Purification Kits and Reagents

Isolate DNA from up to 10 ml blood using magnetic beads.

  • DNA from up to 10 ml whole blood and saliva

The Mag-Bind® Blood DNA HV kit is designed for rapid and reliable isolation of high-quality genomic DNA from up to 10 ml whole blood and saliva. The protocol has been successfully automated on the Hamilton Microlab® STAR™ and 24 samples can be processed in less than 2,5 hours.

The system combines the reversible nucleic acid-binding properties of Mag-Bind® paramagnetic particles with the time-proved efficiency of Omega Bio-tek’s DNA isolation system to provide a fast and convenient method to isolate DNA from a variety of samples. The Mag-Bind® particles provide fast response time when applied to a magnetic field, allowing for quick separation from high volumes of liquid.

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