Calibrated electronic verification thermometers, frio temp

Supplier: VWR Collection
620-0904EA 110 GBP
620-0904 620-2148 620-2344
Calibrated electronic verification thermometers, frio temp
Thermometers Digital Thermometers
Digital thermometers verify sample temperatures in freezers, refrigerators, incubators and ovens. Accurate temperature reading without sample contamination is achieved by using the filled bottle (included), which mimics the sample.

  • Individually serialised

Plastic bottles cannot be used in ovens.

Certifications: ISO 17025, ISO/IEC 17025:2005, traceable to NIST.

Delivery information: Includes multi-language instructions (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish), AAA or LR44 (620-2148) batteries.

Caution: * Internal
** External
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