BD Q-Syte™ Needle-Free Connector

Supplier: BD Medical
385100 385151 380510
BDAM385100EA 362 GBP
BDAM385100 BDAM385151 BDAM380510
BD Q-Syte™ Needle-Free Connector
The BD Q-Syte™ Needle-free connector has a split septum design that complies with the guidelines for reducing catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) rates set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC).

  • Lower CRBSI rates than complex mechanical valve systems
  • Clear housing allows visual assessment of the fluid path
  • Straight, open fluid path design provides a high flow rate

Research shows that split septum needle-free systems have 64 to 70% lower CRBSI rates than complex mechanical valve systems. The clear housing allows healthcare professionals to see the effectiveness of their own technique and to promptly correct less effective flushing.

Certifications: ISO 10555-5, Annex B.
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