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You Searched For: Wipe Dispensers

190  results were found

Greener solutions for Controlled Environments

Greener solutions for Controlled Environments The cleanroom is inherently a challenging environment to be environmentally conscious. We use a lot of energy and rely on single-use items and additional packaging to reduce the risk of contamination e...

Cleanroom wipe and cleanroom glove plans

Cleanroom wipe and cleanroom glove plans Because of the differing requirements placed on gloves and wipes in the cleanroom and in controlled environments a wide range of products is used. basan supports you in the choice of suitable cleanroom prod...

Which wipe ? - a look at the different cleanroom wipes available

Which wipe ? - a look at the different cleanroom wipes available Webinar Tuesday 6th September 2022 11:00 am - 12:00 am CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance Cleanrooms and other contr...

Special Cleanroom Accessories

Special Cleanroom Accessories In addition to the removal of contaminants and particles with wipes other cleaning tasks require special accessories. Examples for those are bench top protectors (with a low linting stabile surface a higly absorbent m...

Contec range of cleanroom wipes, mops, detergents and disinfectants

Contec range of cleanroom wipes mops detergents and disinfectants More than meets the eye! Mission-critical cleaning and contamination control Dry and pre-saturated knitted and non woven wipes specifically designed for pharmaceutical applications ...

Controlled Environment

Controlled Environment Controlled Environment Ergonomics In Cleaning Brigit Wilcox and Tom Carberry Which wipe ? - a look at the different cleanroom wipes available Karen Rossington Choosing the correct chemical and cleanroom protective garments S...

basan News

basan News Production magazine 2023-24 Flip through this publication and read about trends & expert advice for highly demanding applications in your controlled environments also safety for your people and processes. Controlled Environments Workflo...

basan Services

basan Services Logistic Services basan ensures the permanent availability of the defined cleanroom consumables and additionally assumes all administrative and logistic functions according to your cleanroom requirements. Custom packaging and irradi...

Texwipe sterile Cleanroom wipes made in NL

Texwipe sterile Cleanroom wipes made in NL

Cleanroom Dispenser Systems

Cleanroom Dispenser Systems Stainless Steel Dispenser Systems with 2 3 or 4 compartments with round openings for storing and easy pull-out of disposables (like gloves hairnets face masks hoods caps beardcovers sleeves overshoes wipers) in cleanroo...

Cleanroom Cleaning Systems

Cleanroom Cleaning Systems Illustration of ~~Sinner'scher Kreis~~: Chemical First the cleaning process is initiated through the help of active agents in the detergent. Active agents ensure that the bonding forces are neutralized so that the loose ...

Pens and Markers for Superior Documentation

Pens and Markers for Superior Documentation Good documentation practices are imperative across controlled environments. From low sodium ink pens for electronics/semiconductor paper records to irradiated markers for labeling plastic glass and paper...

VWR® laboratory cleaning

VWR® laboratory cleaning Laboratory workspace cleaning can pay huge dividends in productivity with greater organisation and a more comfortable workspace. The challenge is always balancing the need to get the work done with the time it takes to do ...

Facility Maintenance

Facility Maintenance VWR® offers you a complete range of facility maintenance and cleaning systems. Product selection Biohazard Disposal Bags Ideal for processing biohazardous materials prior to disposal... Buckets Browse our selection of buckets ...

Automated Liquid Handlers and Dispensers

Automated Liquid Handlers and Dispensers Increase productivity by reducing hands-on time with Thermo Scientific™ automated liquid handling and dispensing systems. These instruments handle a wide range of volumes and labware providing fast precise ...

Peristaltic Tubing Pumps in Dispensing Applications

Peristaltic Tubing Pumps in Dispensing Applications Properties inherent to peristaltic pumps and features designed into Masterflex® digital pump drives make these pumps ideal for laboratory and process dispensing applications. Accuracies in the ra...
17 - 32 of 190