You Searched For: Trays\/Dishes\/Pots
57 results were found
Moisture Analysis
Moisture Analysis VWR offer a choice of infrared heating halogen metal ceramic or coiled quartz element moisture analysers for routine and precision measurements. Infrared heating - no glass (MB23) halogen for fast results (MB25) heating elements ...
Moisture Analysis
Moisture Analysis Moisture analysis is an important analysis in quality control production control and product development in many industries such as pharma and food etc. Moisture can affect the shelf life of products but also effects a lot of oth...
brochure BRAND Inserts
High flexibility – to be used as a hanging or standing insert Easy to use and efficient in your cell culture lab cellGrade™ plus treated membranes for improved cell attachment and growth Genuine innovat ion for ce l l cu l ture BRAND Inser ts N E ...
Mixing, Homogenising, Blending etc.
Mixing Homogenising Blending etc. Sample reduction for crushing mixing homogenising and dispersing products from leading brands. Product selection Homogenisers The wide range of instruments offer perfect homogenising solutions for samples from 0.5...
Mixing/Grinding Sample reduction for crushing mixing homogenising and dispersing products from leading brands. Product selection Homogenisers This wide range of instruments offer a perfect homogenising solution for samples from 0.5 ml to 50 l or m...
Furnaces VWR offers a wide range of furnaces suitable for ashing as well as general purpose heat treatment applications. Plus an extensive range of containers (evaporating dishes or crucibles) suitable to withstand the high temperatures involved a...
Incubation Cultivation of microorganisms requires replication of their preferred conditions. From benchtop dip slide incubators to large CO2 incubators and anaerobic mini systems. Product selection Anaerobic Incubation Systems VWR offers a solutio...
Laboratory Autoclaves and Accessories
Laboratory Autoclaves and Accessories Autoclaves are used to sterilise equipment and supplies by subjecting them to high pressure saturated steam. Typical loads include laboratory glassware equipment instruments and of course culture media. A grow...
COL04676_Nunc Cell Factory Systems Family Brochure 09-21-17.indd
COL04676_Nunc Cell Factory Systems Family Brochure 09-21-17.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems For consistent cell culture performance 2 The Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Factory system difference Assured performance from lot to lot and format to format...
Prepared Media
Prepared Media Ready to use prepared culture media available in a choice of plates tubes bottles and bags. Suitable for every application. Constant high quality Convenience Time and cost saving Certificates of Analysis which guarantee product conf...
Weighing Components for Your Reactions
Weighing Components for Your Reactions Weighing is most important when creating new substances. VWR offers a large choice of micro and analytical balances from different brands. You can also find all you need in the weighing process from spatulas ...
COL06001-CFS-Aseptic-Filling-Brochure-02-26-18.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems Ready set connect: aseptic filling made easy 2 More confidence helps reduce risk Themo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ multilayer systems are designed for a variety of b...
Safety Proper safety identification helps at work and maximises productivity, indoors and outdoors. Find all the safety sign you need. Brady also offers spill control products, area marking, visual tagging and Lockout Tagout. Our featured products...
Microbial cultivation
Microbial cultivation Microbial cultivation is needed to propagate microorganisms before identification or analysis. Specific growth media are used that create ideal conditions for growing the microorganism of interest. Microbiology New Products S...
Cell Culture Plates & Flasks
Cell Culture Plates & Flasks Featured Solutions Thermo Scientific Nunc polystyrene cell culture plates and dishes with more than 100 combinations of surface and format help you to get healthy cells and reliable results for your research. Plates fo...
Consumables and liquid handling
Consumables and liquid handling Avantor selected for you essentials consumables and liquid handling for any lab when you go back to work Autoclavable waste disposal bags Bottles and carboys Collect and protect your sample with the right sampling b...
17 - 32 of 57