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You Searched For: Specific Gravity Bottles

614  results were found

Oritain Partnership

Oritain Partnership Avantor The Oritain verification of product origin provides enhanced traceability and trust for Avantor® Seradigm Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). Avantor® Seradigm features traceability certification from the International Serum Indu...

Workplace Safety

Workplace Safety Avantor Personal Protection Everyone is safer when you have a clean well-maintained laboratory. Avantor offers a comprehensive line of chemical handling storage facility maintenance and waste management products from the brand you...


Centrifuges We offer microcentrifuges and bench centrifuges refrigerated and ambient from all market leading suppliers as well as our fantastic value high performance VWR Collection range. All the appropriate consumables to make centrifugation eas...

Culture Media & Supplements

Culture Media & Supplements VWR offers a huge range of culture media and supplements. All manufactured in compliance with current standards to optimise your culture media and help protect you from toxic agents. Granulated dehydrated culture media ...

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 1 von 9 Determination of total acidity in fruit juice Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 2 von 9 Use This method is used fort he quantitative determination of total...

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 1 von 8 Determination of total titratable acidity in wine and most (EU version) Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 2 von 8 Use This method is used for the quantitat...

Titration and Karl Fischer determination

Titration and Karl Fischer determination Titration and Karl Fischer determination Titration and Water determination are really common in all R&D and QC Labs. To perform in these 2 methods you need a large range of accurate products. Volumetric sol...


Weighing A large range of laboratory balances stainless steel and IP 67 scales. Weights designed for food industry are also available. Product selection Analytical & Precision Balances Ideal for recipe creation and QC... Food Industrial Scales Pur...

Final fill for cell therapy

Final fill for cell therapy The cell therapy drug product is configured in different ways depending on the required delivery of the cells/tissues. For example delivery of chondrocytes for cartilage repair is administered by an injection. Expanded ...


Filtration VWR offers a wide range of filtration products for most application areas. VWR is working with Pall Life Sciences as its preferred supplier for filtration. You can also find a wide range of high quality filtration products in the VWR Co...

Downstream purification for cell therapy

Downstream purification for cell therapy Comparing downstream purification approaches between cell therapies and other biologics is quite different. Methods required to obtain the final cell dose with the required quality parameters include: Centr...

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern

Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 1 von 8 Determination of acidity/acid degree in milk and milk products Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 2 von 8 Use This method is used for the quantitative deter...

General Description of an Application

General Description of an Application Application Date: 11.02.2014 Page 1 of 8 Determination of Iodine number Application Date: 11.02.2014 Page 2 of 8 Use The method describes the procedure for the determination of the iodine number with the use o...

Downstream purification for recombinant proteins

Downstream purification for recombinant proteins With more than 30 years of chromatography experience developed products and services we have every solution to meet your needs. Our J.T.Baker® brand BAKERBOND™ chromatography resins have been used s...

See how Pall products can put these criminals behind bars

See how Pall products can put these criminals behind bars Barry Backpressure beaten back Pall Acrodisc® PSF wwPTFE syringe filters have been shown to extend column life by over 40X with no significant increases in backpressure. saving on column re...

Final fill for mAbs

Final fill for mAbs Progressing from the drug substance to the final injectable drug product requires final packaging vials and stoppers that meet a number of quality requirements. To meet these requirements products must be prepared in an ISO Cla...
129 - 144 of 614