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You Searched For: Respiratory Systems

717  results were found

Decentralized Clinical Trials: An Overview

Decentralized Clinical Trials: An Overview Decentralized Clinical Trials are important as they can help patients participate in clinical trials from their homes or other locations. This is done using telemedicine and digital health technologies to...

Temperature Control Systems

Temperature Control Systems Temperature control systems are widely used for many different cooling and heating applications in life science microbiology and chemical laboratories. VWR offers refrigerated circulators chillers and heating circulator...

Caps and connection systems

Caps and connection systems DURAN® offers a comprehensive range of precision closure systems starting with high quality standard caps suitable for numerous scientific applications. Bottle closures Rubber stoppers Connectors Septa Labels

Cleanroom Mopping Systems

Cleanroom Mopping Systems Contec has developed the most complete line of mopping products including wall and ceiling mops buckets and tools for critical and cleanroom environments. Whether disinfecting or cleaning floors walls ceilings or inside b...

Gel Documentation Systems

Gel Documentation Systems Featured Solutions Smart 5 is a new generation low cost integrated system for DNA/protein analysis and gel documentation. More information Additional Resources Brochure

Cleanroom Dispenser Systems

Cleanroom Dispenser Systems Stainless Steel Dispenser Systems with 2 3 or 4 compartments with round openings for storing and easy pull-out of disposables (like gloves hairnets face masks hoods caps beardcovers sleeves overshoes wipers) in cleanroo...

Hygiene Monitoring Systems

Hygiene Monitoring Systems Rapid quantitative hygiene monitoring in liquids and on surfaces with ATP-bioluminiscence. Easy to perform strip test for manual assessment of the general cleanliness. Much more sensitive than a visual inspection Rapid a...

Safety solutions

Safety solutions Protecting your staff is a top priority and Avantor can help you source necessary products to ensure workplace safety. From head-to-toe personal protection equipment specialized storage and disposal receptacles to critical materia...

History of mRNA Vaccines

History of mRNA Vaccines Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines gained widespread awareness during the COVID-19 pandemic when they were approved for use in humans. Though some hailed the quick development of the mRNA vaccines as a scientific breakthrough t...

Equipment - Sentino® microbiology system

Equipment - Sentino® microbiology system 316L Stainless steel manifold autoclavable Unique microbiology manifold with modular design that allows you to optimize testing without sacrificing cleanliness. Pall Microbiology Manifold Combining Multiple...

Automated Cell Imaging System

Automated Cell Imaging System Applications Cell counting and cell viability Assessing mitochondrial and cytotoxicity Measuring neurite outgrowth Cell differentiation Protein expression index Autophagy detection DNA damage assays Product Details Im...

DURAN® Evolutionary Bottle System

DURAN® Evolutionary Bottle System Since 1972 DURAN® laboratory bottles have continued to evolve to meet the diverse needs and applications of scientists and researchers around the world. Borosilicate 3.3 glass bottles are now available in a compre...

An Overview of Protein Expression Systems

An Overview of Protein Expression Systems Protein expression systems play a vital role in facilitating essential biological functions. This article highlights the significance of these systems and their contribution to the expression of recombinan...

Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy

Cell Imaging Systems & Microscopy Featured Solutions Modern research requires high throughput high quality imaging. At its most basic this might require cell counting viability assays or marker expression analysis performed alongside standard fluo...


3M Our Vision: 3M Technology Advancing Every Company 3M Products Enhancing Every Home 3M Innovation Improving Every Life Science is simply science – until it is applied to helping make daily life better. And that is exactly what drives us. This is...

Laboratory Water Purification Systems

Laboratory Water Purification Systems Water purification in a laboratory is vital. The use of high purity water in an analytical laboratory can substantially reduce the time spent on troubleshooting issues due to contamination of the sample or ins...
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