You Searched For: Microscopy and staining reagents
347 results were found
Cell culture
Cell culture Both autologous and allogeneic cells are obtained from donors utilizing methods including but not limited to apheresis aspirates and surgical biopsies. The donor cells of interest are processed to remove undesirable contaminants and p...
Cell Growth
Cell Growth Keep your cells fit and happy by providing them optimal growth conditions. Select cell culture plastics and nutrients you can rely on. Ensure sterility as well as precise temperature and gas control during incubation and handling. Noth...
General Description of an Application
General Description of an Application Application Date: 19.12.2013 Page 1 of 7 Determination of water in vegetable oil using Titrator TitroLine® 7500 KF trace Application Date: 19.12.2013 Page 2 of 7 Use The application describes the procedure of ...
VWR Chemicals
VWR Chemicals VWR chemicals - Reag.Ph.Eur. reagents for analysis and testing to pharmacopoeia methods VWR Reag.Ph.Eur. reagents meet the chemical specification requirements of the pharmacopoeia and so are for use in standard pharmacopoeia analytic...
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Analysis
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Analysis The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of water is determined by dichromate method after digestion. VWR offers 2 solutions to measure COD: Rapid method Official method COD Rapid Method Merck COD Rapid Method Merck A...
Honeywell For decades Honeywell Research Chemicals delivered a strong portfolio of solvents and essential laboratory products under the Burdick & Jackson™ and the Riedel-de Haen™ brands. Honeywell’s portfolio has grown and includes today most resp...
Edible Oils & Fat Analysis
Edible Oils & Fat Analysis From the checking of rancidity in cooking oils to the content of fats in food with the soxhlet method VWR offer a solution. Product selection VWR Chemicals Reagents The AnalaR NORMAPUR range provides a comprehensive solv...
Chlorine (Free & Total)
Chlorine (Free & Total) VWR offers different alternatives to measure free and total chlorine. Colormetric method with ready-to-use DPD reagents test kits colorimeters and spectrophotometers Electrochemical method with disposable sensors give resul...
HPLC The right choice of chemical is crucial for your chromatography process. Below an overview of our chemical range for chromatography. Are you looking for columns instruments or other consumables as well? Promotions Chemical Innovations Contact...
Production Chemicals
Production Chemicals From discovery to delivery Avantor is a global manufacturer and distributor of high quality products services and solutions to professionals in the life sciences and advanced technologies industries. We focus on the things tha...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 1 von 9 Determination of total acidity in fruit juice Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 2 von 9 Use This method is used fort he quantitative determination of total...
Electrochemistry Products
Electrochemistry Products Avantor Electrochemistry Avantor has a comprehensive assortment of meters probes accessories and chemicals that analysts in your lab need to measure pH conductivity or perform titrations using electrochemical techniques. ...
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF)
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) Avantor X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) Avantor can provide you with the products and materials you need for to conduct X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy or XRF in your lab. Choose the products that work b...
Process Peristaltic Pumps Provide Robust Effective Solutions For Demanding Mining Applications
Process Peristaltic Pumps Provide Robust Effective Solutions For Demanding Mining Applications Gregg E. Johnson Masterflex Barrington IL USA. With Masterflex ® peristaltic pumps a well-balanced range of capabilities and flexibility combines with o...
Optimizing your buffer, reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows
Optimizing your buffer reagent and culture media management across biopharma workflows The adoption of hydrated premade liquid buffers reagents and cell culture media can save you time resources and money. Different strategies for solutions prepar...
General Description of an Application
General Description of an Application Application Date: 21.10.2013 Page 1 of 5 Quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid with Iodine titrant Application Date: 21.10.2013 Page 2 of 5 Use This method is used to determine the content of ascorbic acid (V...
129 - 144 of 347