You Searched For: Microplates
65 results were found
Abgene_96WellSpec_v0005_KC.indd PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Abgene polypropylene storage plates Key Features Benefi ts Class 8 Clean Room 100000 Manufactured • Abgene polypropylene microplates are certifi ed DNase RNase and human DNA free for demanding...
With a novel proprietary design Corning 96-well spheroid microplates are ideal for generating and analyzing 3D multicellular spheroids in the same microplate. The microplates offer the following benefits: ◗◗ The Corning Ultra-Low Attachment (ULA) ...
Improving assay consistency using Nunc Edge 20 96
0 1 2 3 4 5 Nunc Edge 2.0 Standard 96-well A ve ra g e d if fe re n ce ( % ) % Difference - edge wells vs. centre wells 24 VWR I VWRbioMarke Issue 38 I May 2018 PROTOCOL Nunc Edge 2.0 96-well plates Improving assay consistency using Nunc Edge 2.0 ...
3D Plates
3D Plates Featured Solutions Corning Spheroid Microplate is ideal for generating and analysing 3D spheroids in the same microplate. Imaging plates with high optical quality are ideal for performing high content cell-based assays using imaging syst...
Cell Culture Plates & Flasks
Cell Culture Plates & Flasks Featured Solutions Thermo Scientific Nunc polystyrene cell culture plates and dishes with more than 100 combinations of surface and format help you to get healthy cells and reliable results for your research. Plates fo...
A Novel Method for Generating Single Intestinal Organoids for High Throughput Screening Application Note Hilary Sherman and Hannah J. Gitschier M.S. Corning Incorporated Life Sciences Kennebunk ME USA Introduction For successful drug development t...
Break_the_3D_Barrier_Brochure_CLS-DIV-005.pdf Break the 3D barrier CORNING 3D CELL CULTURE SURFACESVESSELS MEDIA Whether you’re just getting started in 3D cell culture looking for proven ways to scale up or moving to high throughput screening Corn...
PG1702-PJT2232-COL05448-Protein-Quantification-TechNote-Gobal.indd TECHNICAL NOTE NanoDrop One/OneC and Multiskan Sky spectrophotometers A theoretical and practical guide for spectrophotometric determination of protein concentrations at 280 nm of ...
Life Science & Biology - Protein Technologies
Life Science & Biology - Protein Technologies A range of kits for proteins enzymes and chromatography. Product selection Blotting Papers Electrophoresis Power Supplies Experimentation Kits Microplate Washers Transilluminators
Corning 3D cell culture solutions: break the 3D barrier
Corning 3D cell culture solutions: break the 3D barrier Why is 3D cell culture becoming so popular? Cells grown in 3D more closely mimic in vivo behavior in tissues and organs than cells grown in a 2D culture model. 3D cell culture environments cr...
Virus Detection
Virus Detection To aide our research community in finding a solution to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic our internal scientists are engaged with our supplier communities to identify and source solutions covering the complete workflow of the virus d...
Multiskan FC Brochure
User convenience in photometric applications Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC Microplate Photometer Thermo ScientificTM MultiskanTM FC – Filter-based Microplate Photometer for Research and Routine Applications The Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC micr...
Protein, Enzyme and Fibre Kits
Protein Enzyme and Fibre Kits From the checking of rancidity in cooking oils to the content of fats in food with the soxhlet method VWR offer a solution. Product selection Test Kits Rapid test kits for the preparation and subsequent quantitative d...
Abgene™ and Nunc™ plates for Biobanking/Storage
Abgene™ and Nunc™ plates for Biobanking/Storage When a storage tube or microcentrifuge tube does not make sense for your application a polypropylene plate can be the perfect solution. Plates are ideal as intermediate solutions between short and lo...
Nunc™ plates for cell-based assays
Nunc™ plates for cell-based assays Thermo Scientific Nunc polystyrene cell culture plates with more than 100 combinations of surface and format help you to get healthy cells and reliable results for your research. Let us guide your selection by st...
Liquid Handling
Liquid Handling Liquid handling is carried out in every laboratory from basic up to research applications. VWR offers a complete range of solutions for every need of: Applications and budget Safety (i.e. biological chemical or radioactive samples)...
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