You Searched For: Membrane Filter Units
412 results were found
Safety products
Safety products Protect your staff yourself and your space with VWR’s choice of trusted equipment and apparel which is designed to help reduce exposure to workplace hazards and injuries. Our VWR Collection portfolio includes protective clothing gl...
How to Act in Case of Cytotoxic Spillage
How to Act in Case of Cytotoxic Spillage 1. Personal decontamination Put off contaminated clothing Flush contaminated skin immediately with lots of cold running water Rinse splashes in the eye for at least 10 min. with lots of water or isotonic sa...
Masterflex Technical Support
Masterflex Technical Support From product selection and applications to technical advice or troubleshooting. Our technical experts are ready to help. In the United States and U.S. Possessions: Masterflex 100 Matsonford Road Building One Suite 200 ...
Alcohols, Disinfectants and Detergents
Alcohols Disinfectants and Detergents Contec offers a wide range of specially formulated chemicals for the cleaning and disinfection of critical and sterile environments. From hydrogen peroxide solutions and IPA to fast-acting validated sporicidal...
Life Science Promotions
Life Science Promotions To see your promotional prices make sure you log in to your web shop account. Select your workflow area of interest and apply respective filters offered on the left to narrow down the number of displayed products. Promoted ...
Promotions To see your promotional prices make sure you log in to your web shop account. Select your workflow area of interest and apply respective filters offered on the left to narrow down the number of displayed products. Promoted articles have...
Promotions Chromatography (TLC Columns Vials Filters GC HPLC Solvents) Instrumental Analysis (AAS ICP KF Titration pH Meters Conductivity - Including Solutions Standards) Chemicals and Reagents (Basic Solvents Acids Bases Salts) Quick Test Strips ...
Advantages of removing downstream bottlenecks
Advantages of Removing Downstream Bottlenecks Eliminating downstream process bottlenecks has various advantages to establishing a promising future for biopharmaceutical manufacturing. By addressing bottlenecks such as inefficient purification step...
Attachment and differentiation of normal and transformed cells Corning Matrigel matrix certified LDEV-free and the trusted leading basement membrane provides a physiologically relevant environment for studies of cell morphology biochemical functio...
Laminar Air Flow Systems
Laminar Air Flow Systems Laminar flow systems are carefully designed to protect a very sensitive products from external contamination. This very clean working atmosphere is obtained by blowing air through HEPA filters. This air stream could be air...
Focus: Chromatography Issue 1 – 2022
Focus: Chromatography Issue 1 – 2022 Contents: HPLC tips and tricks for choosing an LC buffer Enhanced LC sample preparation with new high performance syringe filters from J.T.Baker® Fast LC-MS/MS analysis using Avantor® ACE® HTP-MS columns Rapid ...
Lab essentials
Lab essentials Lab essentials Some products are essential in your daily work. Find our detergents drying agents… Detergents Containing surfactants detergents and surface cleaners lower the surface tension which improves the ability of water to spr...
Liquid Handling
Liquid Handling From handling glass pipettes to aliquoting microlitre amounts the VWR Collection offers a complete liquid handling solution for all schools and colleges. Click on the product that interests you below to enter our webshop. Product s...
Life Science
Life Science VacuCap® Vacuum Filtration Devices VacuCap® Vacuum Filtration Devices Innovative bottle-top filters can fill multiple bottles with one device... Minimate™ Tangential Flow Filtration System Minimate™ Tangential Flow Filtration System S...
Chemicals and chromatography
Chemicals and chromatography An extensive range of chemical for all applications plus all you need for chromatography to re-enter your lab properly Discover an easy way to find your chemical product Don't compromise when it comes to filtering your...
Promotions To see your promotional prices make sure you log in to your web shop account. Select your workflow area of interest or product type and apply respective filters offered on the left to narrow down the number of displayed products. Promot...
161 - 176 of 412