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You Searched For: Ergonomic Supports

596  results were found

Enhance Workplace Safety with Open-Head Sensor Interlocks on Peristaltic Pumps

Enhance Workplace Safety with Open-Head Sensor Interlocks on Peristaltic Pumps When a peristaltic pump is equipped with an open-head sensor interlock or an existing pump is fitted with a stand-alone system the drive will automatically shut off whe...


Thermo Scientific Automated Sample Storage Resource Guide proven solutions to preserve samples Sample storage at cryogenic and extremely low temperatures provides security for biological specimens and derivatives of those specimens genomic materia...

Avantor Services equipment and instrument services, from technical support to equipment management

Avantor Services equipment and instrument services from technical support to equipment management Managing your equipment centrally keeping it in perfect working order with the assurance of service and support when you need it?

Masterflex videos

Masterflex videos Technical support on your schedule Browse our extensive video library to learn more about a specific product discover how to choose the right product for your application or find technical support when you need it. Mounting and L...

Security message

Security message **Security / Technical Update** Following industry best practice and to maintain a high standard of system security, we will be discontinuing support for the TLSv1.0 internet protocol on April 7th, 2018 on After this date...

The VWR Chrom-Application library has been launched and ready to support you

The VWR Chrom-Application library has been launched and ready to support you A new source of chromatography applications from ourselves and our partners Free access to applications from VWR and partners Summary view and full download possibillitie...

Microsoft Word - Tech_Introdution_to_Hichrom_Technical_Services_HI0918.docx

Microsoft Word - Tech_Introdution_to_Hichrom_Technical_Services_HI0918.docx Hichrom Experts in Chromatography Technical Services and Support 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berkshire RG7 4PE UK Tel | 0118 930 3660 Fax | 0118 932 3...

Just PROVE it

Just PROVE it Spectroquant® Prove - simplify water analysis with a new class of spectrophotometer New range of instruments designed to meet all your requirements for water analysis - wastewater process water or drinking water and beverages. Reques...

Science as a Service

Science as a Service Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Scientists Helping Scientists Life science companies face increasing demand to deliver innovation and value. As scientists strive to maximize the va...

VWRCATALYST VEM Equipment Management System

EquipmEnt managEmEnt powErEd by VEm tEchnology a web-based asset management system from Vwr VwrCATALYST offers a wide range of laboratory support services designed to save our customers time and help to improve total operating costs. These service...


Abgene_96WellSpec_v0005_KC.indd PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Abgene polypropylene storage plates Key Features Benefi ts Class 8 Clean Room 100000 Manufactured • Abgene polypropylene microplates are certifi ed DNase RNase and human DNA free for demanding...

B2B Services

B2B Services VWR International offers business-to-business (B2B) e-procurement integration to extend and optimize control of your supply chain. Imagine one portal for a majority of your spend activities! VWR can bring a new level of automation and...


Videos Discover Avantor's capabilities to support the development of your profession and your company The Global Language of safety Watch the video At Avantor we set science in motion to create a better world Watch the video Avantor supports progr...

cell bank management eu

SucceSS Story cell Bank ManageMent Problem The pace of research is accelerating. New aggressive discovery timelines mean that scientists face increasing pressure to deliver results quickly. As part of continuous innovation efforts a team at one of...

e-Procurement Applications

e-Procurement Applications VWR has invested in technology to develop interfaces to the major e-proceurement software providers listed below. We now have experience in many of the electronic message types in the communication of documents between t...

Avantor accelerates Cell and Gene Therapy (C>) production

Avantor accelerates Cell and Gene Therapy (C>) production Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge A global pharmaceutical company set an ambitious strategic goal of transitioning from Cell and Gene...
81 - 96 of 596