You Searched For: Deodorants and Air Fresheners
199 results were found
Détecteur de Pollution et Purificateur d’Air ERLAB [FR]
Détecteur de Pollution et Purificateur d’Air ERLAB [FR] Halo Sense Smart Halo Smart Détecteur de Pollution pour Laboratoire. Suivez la qualité de l’air que vous respirez. Purificateur d’air pour Laboratoire. Améliorez la qualité d’air de votre lab...
Haier Bio-safety cabinet
Haier Bio-safety cabinet How does a biosafety cabinet works Class-I Class-II biosafety cabinet Ultralow penetration air-filtration system Low noise safety energy saving mode Patent intelligent constant air velocity Professional air-flow distributi...
3M Solutions - Respiratory
3M Solutions - Respiratory Respiratory Science driven innovation helping to provide comfort fit and protection 3M offers you the widest range of disposable reusable and powered & supplied air respirators for the widest range of industrial and othe...
Filtration Devices
Filtration Devices Devices for collection of water ground water and air samples. Product selection Water Sampling Capsules and syringe filters for water sampling... Air Sampling Membranes filter holders and accessories for air sampling...
Monitoring of Production Areas
Monitoring of Production Areas In a production environment consistency is essential. To ensure that the storage and handling of products and raw materials are kept free from contamination or unacceptable changes in the environment this section cov...
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory Protection All respiratory protective equipment is designed to safeguard against specific respiratory hazards such as dust gas fumes mist and vapours. VWR has a wide range to offer from disposable masks half and full-face respiratory m...
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory Protection Respiratory Protection is in the highest class for personal protective equipment. The air we breathe must be as clean as possible. Even the smallest dust particles can cause considerable damage. Think of the danger of asbest...
Environmental Testing Solutions For Air, Water & Soil
Environmental Testing Solutions For Air Water & Soil Environmental protection is everyone’s business. The rapid growth in public awareness understanding and concern for environmental protection means authorities are constantly tightening regulatio...
Microbiological monitoring in cleanrooms
Microbiological monitoring in cleanrooms For your practice! How to select air samplers most appropriate to the application in question and how to use air samplers in practice
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Monitoring All the eqiupment you need to monitor air sound hygiene or temperature in your laboratory. Product selection Gas detection tubes Temperature and humidity chart recorders Hygiene monitoring Air monitors
COL06001-CFS-Aseptic-Filling-Brochure-02-26-18.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems Ready set connect: aseptic filling made easy 2 More confidence helps reduce risk Themo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ multilayer systems are designed for a variety of b...
Basic Information about Microbial Monitoring of Cleanrooms
Basic Information about Microbial Monitoring of Cleanrooms Viable particles of bacteria yeast and moulds living microscopic organisms present in the air and on surfaces of the environment. Their analysis usually includes the monitoring of air surf...
Cleanroom Gowning Room Concepts
Cleanroom Gowning Room Concepts A decisive element of cleanroom technology when designing new facilities or during reconstruction is the personnel air-lock area which in itself defines the entire cleanroom gowning area and – if present – the air s...
Sample collection, transport, storage
Sample collection transport storage The first step in microbiological testing is to collect samples. Depending on the media where the samples are the products you need are different. Then you need to transport and/or store them. Sample collection ...
Dry Storage Systems
Dry Storage Systems For this purpose dry storage systems can be used. Within these systems the stored goods are surrounded by a dry and inert atmosphere if necessary. To achieve the stable and dry atmosphere there are 3 different technologies of d...
Hygiene VWR offer a choice of methods. Air monitoring or dipslides and contact plates for surface monitoring as well as stand alone hygiene monitoring systems. Product selection Air Samplers The most complete and accurate range of microbial air sa...
17 - 32 of 199