You Searched For: Chromate(VI) Standards
591 results were found
Chemicals and Reagents
Chemicals and Reagents VWR Chemicals are optimised by grade for your application. 98% are available from stock and each has a guaranteed exact specification. To request your copy of the VWR chemicals catalogue click below. Chemical Innovations Lit...
ICP/MS Standards
ICP/MS Standards VWR offer an extensive range of standards for this demanding technique from several sources. Product selection VWR Chemicals ICP/MS Standards ARISTAR offers a full range of 1000 and 10000 ppm ICP-MS standards in 100 and 500 ml pac...
Performance level 1: Everyday analysis, Chromatography approved
Performance level 1: Everyday analysis Chromatography approved Meet your chromatographic needs Choose the right vial for chromatographic analyses. Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ Performance level 1 products are designed for everyday chromatography ...
Spectrophotometry VWR offer a large and growing range of spectrophotometers for all applications. Product selection Biophotometers A choice of models largely for rapid and reliable analysis of DNA RNA oligonucleotides proteins and bacterial cell d...
Equipment and instruments
Equipment and instruments From top named brands to our own VWR Collection offering quality reliability and performance Analogue / digital dry block heaters Bioprocessing electrodes Hamilton / Schott Come back to work and stay healthy with our ergo...
Cphnano Upgrade and expand the functionality of your existing spectrophotometer - digital laboratory analysis and next generation UV/Vis for lab 4.0. NanoCuvettes™ unlock the full potential of a spectrophotometer and SpectroWorks™ optimises and au...
~~Molecular Spectroscopy~~
Molecular Spectroscopy Avantor Molecular Spectroscopy Avantor offers a wide range of spectroscopes equipment products and supplies that analysts in your laboratory need every day to help them to identify and measure the composition of samples or o...
Achieve easy, fast and reliable particle/cell size analysis with NanoCuvette™ S
Achieve easy fast and reliable particle/cell size analysis with NanoCuvette™ S Webinar Tuesday 23rd November 2021 15:30 to 16:30 CEST (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In this webinar w...
brochure BRAND Inserts
High flexibility – to be used as a hanging or standing insert Easy to use and efficient in your cell culture lab cellGrade™ plus treated membranes for improved cell attachment and growth Genuine innovat ion for ce l l cu l ture BRAND Inser ts N E ...
Nucleic acid quantitation and analysis using the QuickDrop Spectrophotometer | Molecular Devices
Nucleic acid quantitation and analysis using the QuickDrop Spectrophotometer | Molecular Devices Benefits • Minimal sample usage as little as 0.5 µL • Accurate DNA Quantitation from 1.0 ng/µL to 2500 ng/µL • LCD touchscreen for stand-alone experim...
Ph buffers and Conductivity Standards
Ph buffers and Conductivity Standards Ph buffers and Conductivity Standards Wide range of Certified Reference Materials to guarantee a perfect calibration of your pH-meters and Conductimeters Conductivity Standards Regular use of the conductivity ...
Masterflex Silicone Tubing
Masterflex Silicone Tubing Our silicone tubing comes in two formulations: peroxide- and platinum-cured. Both formulations share many characteristics such as FDA compliance and USP Class VI approvals temperature ratings and chemical compatibility. ...
Hach Fast Analysis
Hach Fast Analysis Hach's broad range of instrumentation and chemistries have been carefully crafted for more than 80 years to make water analysis better faster simpler and greener. Fast analysis with Cuvette compared to Reagents Take 3 minutes of...
Current GMPs: Added Assurance of Quality for Masterlex Tubing
Current GMPs: Added Assurance of Quality for Masterlex Tubing With greater regulatory focus in the pharmaceutical industry attention increasingly turns to the rationale for various guidelines standards and specifications and their role as blueprin...
Standard Pipe Thread Fittings
Standard Pipe Thread Fittings American Standard Taper Pipe Threads (NPT) Nominal size (inside diameter) Actual OD Threads per inch Length of engagement (tightened by hand) Hand tight turns Wrench makeup turns Length of effective thread 1/16 0.3125...
~~European standards for hearing protection~~
European standards for hearing protection Directive 2003/10/EC (supersedes Directive 86/188/EEC) What actions should be taken to comply with the Directive? Assess noise levels to determine if they exceed the new action levels Endeavour to reduce h...
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