You Searched For: Cell Scrapers
389 results were found
Upstream processing for cell therapy
Upstream processing for cell therapy Compared to production volumes associated with other biologics (e.g. mAbs: 2000L to 10000L) cell therapy production volumes are more commonly between 1L to 10L. Even the quality parameters are different. Instea...
Cell sensitive pumping with peristaltic pumps
Cell sensitive pumping with peristaltic pumps Ismatec Pro-280 pumphead for pumping living cells The Pro-280 pump head connected to either a BVP Process or MCP Process peristaltic pump drive is a suitable system to continuously pump living cells wh...
Validate CRISPR-edited Cells using Imaging and Western Blot Detection on a Microplate Reader | Molec
Validate CRISPR-edited Cells using Imaging and Western Blot Detection on a Microplate Reader | Molecular Devices Benefits • Measure transfection efficiency by accurately identifying GFP-positive cells vs non-transfected cells • Validate CRISPR-med...
Upstream Gene Therapy Products & Solutions in Bioprocessing
Upstream Gene Therapy Products & Solutions in Bioprocessing Achieve optimal generation of gene therapy vectors with our non-viral transfection and viral transduction products. Avantor® can provide culture systems that support processes development...
Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing and Commercialization
Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing and Commercialization Cell and gene therapy manufacturing and commercialization are advancing rapidly due to the potential to improve how we treat various diseases and the outcomes of those treatments. While cel...
With a novel proprietary design Corning 96-well spheroid microplates are ideal for generating and analyzing 3D multicellular spheroids in the same microplate. The microplates offer the following benefits: ◗◗ The Corning Ultra-Low Attachment (ULA) ...
The Role of Filtration in the Biopharmaceutical Industry
The Role of Filtration in the Biopharmaceutical Industry Filtration holds immense importance in the biopharmaceutical industry where it plays a crucial role in removing contaminants from desired products and ensuring their sterility. Since pharmac...
NunclonSphera-Brochure-Global 2017
Nunclon Sphera products for spheroid culture Making your most valuable work your best work Suspension growth Advancing your cell culture research Optimizing spheroid formation The Thermo Scientific™ Nunclon™ Sphera culture surface allows cells to ...
Cell Culture Plates & Flasks
Cell Culture Plates & Flasks Featured Solutions Thermo Scientific Nunc polystyrene cell culture plates and dishes with more than 100 combinations of surface and format help you to get healthy cells and reliable results for your research. Plates fo...
Improving assay consistency using Nunc Edge 20 96
0 1 2 3 4 5 Nunc Edge 2.0 Standard 96-well A ve ra g e d if fe re n ce ( % ) % Difference - edge wells vs. centre wells 24 VWR I VWRbioMarke Issue 38 I May 2018 PROTOCOL Nunc Edge 2.0 96-well plates Improving assay consistency using Nunc Edge 2.0 ...
Considerations for Three-Dimensional Cell Culture when using the Corning® Spheroid Microplate Guidelines for Use There has been a growing interest in three dimensional (3D) cell culture with more data showing drastic differences in cell behavior a...
No Longer Tasked with Cell Bank Management, Scientists Gain Time for Research
No Longer Tasked with Cell Bank Management Scientists Gain Time for Research Your Role Your Challenge Our Services Portfolio Resources About Us Contact Us Challenge The pace of research is accelerating but new aggressive discovery timelines mean t...
COL06001-CFS-Aseptic-Filling-Brochure-02-26-18.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems Ready set connect: aseptic filling made easy 2 More confidence helps reduce risk Themo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ multilayer systems are designed for a variety of b...
cell bank management eu
SucceSS Story cell Bank ManageMent Problem The pace of research is accelerating. New aggressive discovery timelines mean that scientists face increasing pressure to deliver results quickly. As part of continuous innovation efforts a team at one of...
product information
product information 1 Treatment of Mycoplasma-infected Cells with Antibiotics Myco-1 (A5222) Myco-2 (A5233) and Myco-3 (A5240) Description The contamination of cells with mycoplasma is a very common problem even though it often goes unnoticed sinc...
Nunc™ plates for cell-based assays
Nunc™ plates for cell-based assays Thermo Scientific Nunc polystyrene cell culture plates with more than 100 combinations of surface and format help you to get healthy cells and reliable results for your research. Let us guide your selection by st...
33 - 48 of 389