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You Searched For: Cell Scrapers

389  results were found

Fermentation and Cell Culture

Fermentation and Cell Culture Product selection Amino acids Minerals and nutrients pH adjusters (acid) pH adjusters (base) Sugars

3D Cell Culture

3D Cell Culture Putting your cells in 'in-vivo like' environments! There is no doubt that in vitro testing models that better mimic in vivo conditions will give results of greater physiological relevance. More than this 3D cell culture solutions a...


PG1698-PJT2892-COL05537-RO-SUT-RS-App-Note-Mesenchymal-stem-cells-CF-systems-Global-12-18-17.indd Abstract Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ systems are an effective format for the easy and rapid expansion of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMS...

Matrigel® Matrix, ECMs and Scaffolds

Matrigel® Matrix ECMs and Scaffolds Corning® Matrigel® Matrix— making 3D Cell Culture easier than ever. Corning Ultra-Low Attachment surface a unique hydrogel surface designed to prevent cell attachment inhibits specific and nonspecific immobiliza...

Cell Therapy Products, Workflow & Research Services

Cell Therapy Products Workflow & Research Services Cell therapies encompass several approaches that require the manipulation of donor tissue both autologous and allogeneic to obtain desired cells and tissues. These cells and tissues are then used ...

COL04676_Nunc Cell Factory Systems Family Brochure 09-21-17.indd

COL04676_Nunc Cell Factory Systems Family Brochure 09-21-17.indd Nunc Cell Factory systems For consistent cell culture performance 2 The Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Factory system difference Assured performance from lot to lot and format to format...

Phenotypic Characterization of Anti-Cancer Drug effects using Automated Imaging | Molecular Devices

Phenotypic Characterization of Anti-Cancer Drug effects using Automated Imaging | Molecular Devices Benefits • Relevance of compounds identified • Increased drug discovery success and productivity • Translational biomarkers for phenotypic screenin...

Upstream Processing

Upstream Processing Overview Upstream processing is an important stage in bioprocessing that involves preparing and manipulating biological materials before subjecting them to downstream processing. This step involves the development of viable cel...

Promise and Potential: Cell Therapies for Pediatric Patients

Promise and Potential: Cell Therapies for Pediatric Patients Interview with Professor Dr. Peter Bader Head of the Division for Stem Cell Transplantation and Immunology Department for Children and Adolescents University Hospital Frankfurt Goethe Un...


COL06663_Cell_Factory_BOD_PDF_Flyer.indd Cell Factory systems The Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Cell Factory™ system is a robust and easy-to-use cell culture platform for applications in the production of human and animal vaccines therapeutic proteins ...

What is Cell and Gene Therapy?

What is Cell and Gene Therapy? Cell and gene therapy are closely related fields that use biological materials or substances to treat diseases. Cell therapy involves using cells (typically stem cells) to replace or repair damaged or diseased tissue...

Counting Cells with the Transmitted Light Analysis Module in MetaXpress | Molecular Devices

Counting Cells with the Transmitted Light Analysis Module in MetaXpress | Molecular Devices Benefits • Segment and count objects using transmitted light imaging • Monitor cell proliferation in transmitted light • Assess the effects of TL Cell Segm...

CELL CULTURE PROCESSES & CELL TYPES: from benchtop R&D to upscaled bioproduction

CELL CULTURE PROCESSES & CELL TYPES: from benchtop R&D to upscaled bioproduction Webinar Wednesday 16th February 2022 15:00 to 16:00 CET (Berlin Paris Madrid) Replay Email Alerts Free Registration Chat Area Certificate of attendance In this webina...

@@NUMMER 8090145@@

@@NUMMER 8090145@@ Myco-4 For the treatment of Mycoplasma-infected cells Product code A8366 Description Contamination of cell cultures by mycoplasma is a common problem. Mycoplasma contamination causes biochemical changes as well as changes in the...


APPLICATION NOTE Nunclon Sphera plates Embryoid body formation in Nunclon Sphera plates Introduction The significance of stem cells lies in the ability of these cells to become different cell types. The formation of spheroids such as embryoid bodi...

Cell and Gene Therapy Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies

Cell and Gene Therapy Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies Gene and cell therapy have emerged as groundbreaking methods for treating diverse diseases through genetic engineering and/or cellular reprogramming. Various gene and cell therapy mechani...
17 - 32 of 389