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Chemical hazards

Chemical hazards SAFE LABS RELY ON SMART HAND PROTECTION When working with a broad spectrum of chemicals lab researchers need to know that their hands are safe from skin burns irritations and other adverse health affects from chemical exposure. Ch...

Inventory Manager | Inventory Management Software | Avantor®

Reinvent the way you manage inventory with solutions from Avantor® Inventory Manager: Your Lab Inventory Management Software Solution Get inventory visibility — with no surprises. Inventory Manager from Avantor® brings the lab of the future to you...

Tuttnauer laboratory autoclaves, D-Line

Tuttnauer laboratory autoclaves D-Line Tuttnauer Tuttnauer has been manufacturing sterilisers for over 90 years. As a global leader in sterilisation and infection control solutions the Tuttnauer autoclaves are trusted by hospitals research institu...

Chemical Safety In The Laboratory

Chemical Safety In The Laboratory When working with any chemicals especially hazardous ones safety is paramount. The appropriate personal protection equipment is of course mandatory but there are other options you might want to consider to help yo...