You Searched For: Tissue Embedders
41 results were found
Type 90 safety storage under bench ref en
Type 90 safety storage under bench cabinet with refrigerating unit Safe and cooled storage of flammable hazardous materials EN 14470–1 You are looking for a storage solution to keep retention samples that need to be cooled safely? Are these liquid...
Hichrom Catalogue 9
Hichrom Catalogue 9 HICHROM Chromatography Columns and Supplies Hichrom Limited 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berks RG7 4PE UK Tel: +44 (0)118 930 3660 Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3484 Email: Catalo...
01. VWR® BASIC 02. VWR® SMART5 03. VWR® CHEMI ONLY 04. VWR® IMAGER SYSTEMS 05. VWR® TRANSILLUMINATORS VWR® Gel documentation & western blot imaging 2 VWR® Gel documentation & western blot imaging | Choose from the cost effective VWR® Basic...
to protect your samples Everything you need Thermo Scientific Cold Storage Tubes and Accessories and decrease cost maximize storage space You can decrease the cost to store your samples by HALF simply by maximizing your storage space. The cost to ...
Masterflex-Single Use Control Document 2011
Masterflex-Single Use Control Document 2011 NOTE: This informaon is proprietary and confidenal. Reproducon of this material without prior authorizaon from Cole-Parmer is prohibited. Scale Sheet Ref. Rev. NTS - 866 802-- 0579
Asecos Q Line Type 90
20 principales raisons de choisir une armoire de sécurité Q-LINE type 90 1. Type Type 90 90 minutes minimum de résistance au feu en cas d’incendie 2. EN 14470-1 Norme de résistance au feu des armoires de sécurité pour le stockage de produits infla...
VWRCATALYST VEM Equipment Management System
EquipmEnt managEmEnt powErEd by VEm tEchnology a web-based asset management system from Vwr VwrCATALYST offers a wide range of laboratory support services designed to save our customers time and help to improve total operating costs. These service...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application Date: 13.12.2013 Page 1 of 9 Determination of Alkalinity (Carbonate and Bicarbonate hardness) Application Date: 13.12.2013 Page 2 of 9 Use The alkalinity of water is a measure of its ca...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 1 von 9 Determination of FOS TAC value in Biogas plants Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 2 von 9 Use The determination of the volatile organic acids (FOS) and tot...
Avantor Services Cell and Gene Therapy Success Sto
Success story Avantor accelerates Cell and Gene Therapy (C>) production Avantor Services Lab and production services CHALLENGE A global pharmaceutical company set an ambitious strategic goal of transitioning from Cell and Gene Therapy (C>) con...
2016_2D_StorageBrchure_v016.indd Thermo Fisher Scientifi c Automated Storage Solutions Next level storage ideal for enhanced sample tracking Accelerate processing while ensuring sample integrity with Thermo Scientifi c 2D barcoded tubes and equipm...
hazardous materials management eu
Hazardous Materials CoMplianCe suCCess story problem The challenge of complying with hazardous materials regulations had become increasingly difficult for one of the world’s most renowned cancer treatment and research centres. Updating spreadsheet...
(Microsoft PowerPoint - Pr\344sentation VWR ChromJournal_Chromolith WP Epoxy-Immobilization_062018-v
(Microsoft PowerPoint - Pr\344sentation VWR ChromJournal_Chromolith WP Epoxy-Immobilization_062018-vs2_BP \(005\).PPTX [Read-Only]) Benjamin Peters Tom Kupfer Gisela Jung Peter Knoell Egidijus Machtejevas Petra Lewits Juni 2018 via immobilization ...
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern
Gehaltsbestimmung von Ca und Mg in Mineralwässern Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 1 von 8 Determination of total titratable acidity in wine and most (EU version) Application date: 28.2.2012 Seite 2 von 8 Use This method is used for the quantitat...
Microsoft Word - Tech_Introdution_to_Hichrom_Technical_Services_HI0918.docx
Microsoft Word - Tech_Introdution_to_Hichrom_Technical_Services_HI0918.docx Hichrom Experts in Chromatography Technical Services and Support 1 The Markham Centre Station Road Theale Reading Berkshire RG7 4PE UK Tel | 0118 930 3660 Fax | 0118 932 3...
~~Microsoft Word - 101201_GHS-Customer Letter_vF _RHo_.docx~~
Microsoft Word - 101201_GHS-Customer Letter_vF _RHo_.docx VWR International Management Services GmbH & Co. KG Hilpertstraße 20A · D-64295 Darmstadt Tel. +49 6151 3972-0 · VWR International Management Services GmbH & Co. KG HypoVereinsb...
1 - 16 of 41