You Searched For: HPLC Sorbents

By pumping pressurized liquid solvent with the sample mixture through a HPLC sorbent-filled column, researchers are able to identify each mixture component using retention time measurements. These sorbents are capable of working with small particle sizes requiring high operational pressure, a common high-performance liquid chromatography operation characteristic. Able to separate and quantify, the HPLC sorbents have a hydrophobic or polar nature. The versatile materials function with digital microprocessing instruments for rapid testing.

By pumping pressurized liquid solvent with the sample mixture through a HPLC sorbent-filled column, researchers are able to identify each mixture component using retention time measurements. These sorbents are capable of working with small particle sizes requiring high operational pressure, a common high-performance liquid chromatography operation characteristic. Able to separate and quantify, the HPLC sorbents have a hydrophobic or polar nature. The versatile materials function with digital microprocessing instruments for rapid testing.

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Description: High purity silica phase for HPLC.

Description: Kieselguhr adsorbents for column chromatography.

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Description: Irregular silica phase for analytical HPLC.

Description: Polymer bulk packing material for reversed phase applications.

Description: Polyamide 6 adsorbents for column chromatography.

Catalog Number: (MANA815710.1)
Description: Hard granular magnesia silica gel: MgO (15,5 ±0,5%) SiO<sub>2</sub> (84,0 ±0,5%) Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> (≤1,0%) 60/100 mesh.
UOM: 1 * 1 kg

Description: Aluminium oxide adsorbents for column chromatography.

Description: High purity silica phase for preparative HPLC.

Description: Irregular silica phase for preparative HPLC.

Description: High purity silica phase for HPLC.

Description: These particles have a perfect spherical shape and are available in two particle sizes: 10 and 20 μm. Together with a pore diameter of 100 Å (10 nm), these new sorbents fit perfectly into the polishing step of small peptides like insulin and other biopharmaceutical and pharmaceutical APIs like antibiotics and hormones. This highly porous silica is produced by spray drying.
Catalog Number: (ICNA0215997201)
Supplier: MP Biomedicals
Description: Lysozyme lysates harvested from cultures of Micrococcus lysodeikticus were attached to sepharose and used for affinity chromatography to isolate various bacteriolytic enzymes and it has also been used in a study to investigate the encapsulation of protein drugs in microparticles.
UOM: 1 * 1 g

Description: The aluminium oxide crystal structure comprises octahedrally and tetrahedrally coordinated aluminium coupled by oxygen atoms. The aluminium oxide surface is covered by free hydroxyl groups. There are different acidic and basic centers (Broenstedt acid, Lewis acid and Lewis basic centers) that result in anion and cation exchange properties. Aluminium oxide exhibits a higher pH-stability than silica gel, especially in the alkaline range. Aluminium oxide occurs in various crystal modifications resulting in different pore diameters.
Description: Selection of Merck's standardised and modified silica gels that are available in many granulations and supplied from one single source, dedicated to chromatography. Standardised silica gels are widely used in separation processes to purify valuable compounds in ton quantities. Modified silica on the other hand is used in separation problems, which cannot be adequately solved using unmodified silica.
Supplier: DR MAISCH
Description: Semi-preparative and preparative spherical silica material allows the clean-up of raw products from mg up to kg amounts, depending on the column ID and length. Spherical materials are easy to pack in columns.

Description: Geduran® Si 60, 40 - 63 µm
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