You Searched For: Agarose

112  results were found

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Description: Agarose ME for electrophoresis of macromolecules
Catalog Number: A16693.14
UOM: 1 * 25 g
Supplier: Thermo Scientific


Description: Agarose ME for electrophoresis of macromolecules
Catalog Number: A16693.06
UOM: 1 * 5 g
Supplier: Thermo Scientific

Description: Agarose for electrophoresis medium-low electroendosmosis (EEO) (Mr = 0.12)
Catalog Number: ACRO400415000
UOM: 1 * 500 g
Supplier: Thermo Scientific


Description: Agarose
Catalog Number: A2116.0500
UOM: 1 * 500 g
Supplier: PanReac AppliChem

Description: Agarose
Catalog Number: A2116.0100
UOM: 1 * 100 g
Supplier: PanReac AppliChem

Description: Agarose, Electran, high resolution for electrophoresis
Catalog Number: 437123Y
UOM: 1 * 125 g
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: Agarose 25, Electran for electrophoresis
Catalog Number: 442494R
UOM: 1 * 125 g
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: Agarose 25, Electran for electrophoresis
Catalog Number: 442492P
UOM: 1 * 25 g
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: Agarose, Electran, high resolution for electrophoresis
Catalog Number: 437122H
UOM: 1 * 25 g
Supplier: VWR Chemicals

Description: Agarose
Catalog Number: A8963.1000
UOM: 1 * 1 kg
Supplier: PanReac AppliChem


Description: Agarose low EEO type D1, Molecular Biology Grade
Catalog Number: APOSBIA1177-100G
UOM: 1 * 100 g
Supplier: Apollo Scientific

Description: Agarose low EEO type D1, Molecular Biology Grade
Catalog Number: APOSBIA1177-1KG
UOM: 1 * 1 kg
Supplier: Apollo Scientific

Description: Agarose low EEO type D1, Molecular Biology Grade
Catalog Number: APOSBIA1177-500G
UOM: 1 * 500 g
Supplier: Apollo Scientific

Description: Agarose
Catalog Number: A8963.0250
UOM: 1 * 250 g
Supplier: PanReac AppliChem


Description: Agarose LM, low melting for recovery of samples after separation
Catalog Number: H26417.22
UOM: 1 * 100 g
Supplier: Thermo Scientific

Description: Agarose LM, low melting for recovery of samples after separation
Catalog Number: H26417.06
UOM: 1 * 5 g
Supplier: Thermo Scientific

17 - 32 of 112