Filtered balance systems, XPert™

Supplier: LABCONCO
3950221 3950222 3950321 3950322 3950421 3950622 3950420 3950422 3950320 3950220 3950522 3950521 3950642 3950641 3950402 3950520 3950540 3950541 3950542 3950620 3950621 3950640
135-2012EA 12510 GBP
135-2012 LBCP3950222 LBCP3950321 LBCP3950322 135-2015 LBCP3950622 135-2014 LBCP3950422 135-2013 135-2010 LBCP3950522 LBCP3950521 LBCP3950642 LBCP3950641 LBCP3950402 LBCP3950520 LBCP3950540 LBCP3950541 LBCP3950542 LBCP3950620 LBCP3950621 LBCP3950640
Filtered balance systems, XPert™
Fume Hoods and Enclosures Extraction Cabinets
These portable systems provide user protection by keeping powders and particulates contained during weighing procedures. The built-in blower and HEPA filter are mounted in the upper plenum to save space, and the enclosures have low installation costs and require no outside ducting. Systems also provide quiet operation as low as 45 dBA, depending on face velocity.

  • The deep interior easily accommodates large micro and analytical balances
  • The Clean-Sweep™ airfoil allows air to sweep the work surface for maximum containment
  • The perforated rear baffle promotes
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