ScrubPADS UltraSOLV® Chamber Cleaning Pads

Supplier: FOAMTEC
HT4512P-10 HT4560-10 HT4580-10 HT1700-5 HT1701-5 HT1702-50 HT1714-50 HT1732-50 HT4510-10 HT4512PA-10 HT4513PD-10 HT4515P-10 HT4522-10 HT4522A-10 HT4528-10 HT4528-11 HT4528D-10 HT4536D-10 HT4540-10 HT4540D-10 HT4580-11 HT4580A-10
115-0279EA 113 GBP
115-0279 115-0280 115-0422 115-0388 115-0389 115-0390 115-0391 115-0392 115-0395 115-0398 115-0399 115-0400 115-0404 115-0407 115-0408 115-0409 115-0411 115-0413 115-0414 115-0418 115-0423 115-0425
ScrubPADS UltraSOLV® Chamber Cleaning Pads
Wipes Cleaning Kits and Pads
Hydrophilic urethane foam-based products work together for cleaning of recessed surfaces and microporous sub-surfaces. Safely and quickly remove build-up on process equipment and eliminate contamination. Use Silicon Carbide, Aluminium Oxide, or Diamond ScrubPADS for initial scouring. Ideal for aggressive cleaning, ScrubPADS, can be matched to the specific type of cleaning needed.

Silicon Carbide ScrubPADS for hard surface cleaning
- Suitable for aluminium, stainless steel, and ceramic surfaces such as those found in Implant, CVD, Epitaxy, and Floatzone Reactors and Polishers
- Offer long-More Product Information
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